Chapter Eleven

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From her vantage point all she could see was the back of his cowled head and across the table from him the Cyber Leader but she heard everything. It wasn't just what he had planned that scared her it was also his knowledge of the Time Lord's. Nobody was supposed to know about the removal of the time lock. The resulting power drain had left the Time Lords at their most vulnerable in recorded history.  

Somehow regardless of the danger involved she had to get a closer look at the hooded man. Maybe she would recognise him and put a name to the man that threatened to annihilate her people. She couldn't just drop down into the room she'd have to get to the corridor outside. 

Sweat beaded down her forehead as she shuffled backwards through the tiny cramped space trying to make as little noise as possible. As she reached the next grill she gave it a delicate push but nothing happened. She was fast running out of time so all she could do was push it with a little more force but not too much. This time it worked and the grill swung to the side leaving a gap just wide enough for her to get through and lower herself down. 

Her ankle twisted under her as she dropped the last few feet to the floor. Luckily it didn't hurt much so it probably wasn't sprained. Remembering her exposed position in the middle of a corridor she lifted her head and looked around. She realised too late that she hadn't been careful enough. Towering above her was the hooded man. He stared directly at her but all she could see was his piercing red rimmed eyes. As she looked into those eyes she felt a spark of recognition that faded as quickly as it had appeared. 

"Do you think you know me?" he asked as he grabbed her roughly by the arm and dragged her up. 

She closed her eyes and shook her head unable to speak for fear of angering the man further. His grip tightening until she could take it no longer and was forced to open her eyes and confront him again.  

"Look into my eyes. You do not know me. Do I make myself clear?" 

"Yes." she replied through gritted teeth as the pain in her arm grew steadily worse. 

He smiled a sinister humourless smile and released her letting her drop heavily to the cold metal floor.  

"Take her to the holding cell. We haven't the time to deal with her now." he said to the Cyberman behind him. 

He watched her being led away and smiled to himself. He hadn't expected to be so easily obeyed despite the Cyber Leader giving him control over a small number of Cybermen.

He could hear the heavy even footsteps of a Cyberman and they were getting steadily closer with each passing second. Sylvester stupidly scanned the room for a potential weapon but found nothing, which was fortunate as it'd have no effect on them anyway. It was a nervous impulse of a man believing himself to be moments from death. His entire body tensed as the door slid across but instead of a Cyberman there was a rather fraught looking young woman. He caught her as she was thrown into the cell. 

Romana's eyes widened in panic as she frantically began to pat her clothes. As she rolled up her sleeve relief washed over her. Fortunately for her they'd been too preoccupied to check her over thoroughly. 

He didn't think she'd even noticed him until she raised her head and began to speak. 

"What brings you to this place?" she asked with a smile. 

"I'm sorry I'm not at liberty to say but as an agent of the Shadow Proclamation I must ask you your business." he said with as much authority as he could muster. 

"Ok agent of the Shadow Proclamation I'll tell you. I was sent here by the Time Lords to investigate the increased military activity. Now tell me what you're here for." she replied standing up in an effort to intimidate him. 

Sylvester couldn't hide his shock. He'd never met a Time Lord before and he found it quite intimidating. 

"I've been sent on a similar mission." he admitted. 

"Interesting that you describe it as similar. What's different about yours?" 

What was the best thing to do he thought and just how much did she already know about his mission. 

"It'd be best for both of us if you just told me." she said as if she sensed the dilemma he was going through. 

He watched as she examined the door first with her eyes and then with her hands. 

"We believe there might be a connection between what's going on here and an event that took place on Damnos." 

Romana paused wondering if she'd heard him correctly. 

"What happened on Damnos?" she asked without turning. 

"The Leader was brutally murdered by a hooded man whose identity we've yet to discover. We wouldn't normally investigate a murder but this one gave us cause for concern. A witness heard the man asking after the Doctor." 

She spun round to face him a look of grave concern on her face. 

"Are you absolutely certain of this?" 


"Then you need to come with me immediately. 

She rolled up her sleeve and showed him a digital device strapped to her wrist. 

"Place your hand over it Agent..." 

"Oh my names Sylvester." 

"Well Sylvester place you hand over the device and hold on tight." 

She placed her hand over the top of his and squeezed it tightly. The cell behind her began to shimmer and shake making him dizzy and disorientated. Shortly after that the room began to spin faster and faster until everything went black.

Doctor Who and the Final Confrontation (The Future Doctor Chronicles Part Two)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz