Chapter Twelve

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Sylvester knelt on the floor and retched painfully. What the hell had just happened he thought? One minute he was in the holding cell and the next he was in what looked the flight deck of a spacecraft but not one he was familiar with. 

Romana gently placed her hand on Sylvester's shoulder. 

"The first transmat jump is always the worst but it's never the most elegant way to travel." 

"You're not kidding." he said as he stood up and turned to face her. "So this is a Tardis then?" 

"Yes and bigger on the inside than the outside etc, etc. If you're impressed by this you'd better prepare yourself because you're about to meet the President of Gallifrey. He's going to want to hear your story." 

Meeting the Shadow Architect had made him nervous and she was nothing compared to the president of the most powerful race in the universe. He had a horrible feeling that the danger levels associated with this mission had just considerably increased.  

"Hold on tight you're about to traverse the vortex for the first time in your life." she warned as she pulled the lever down and watched as the column began to rise and fall.  

Rassilon concentrated on the stationary red dot on the screen and wondered if it would ever move. She'd been there too long for his liking and he needed her mission to be successful. The future of the entire universe could well depend on it. He rested his arms on the surface in front of him and lowered his head. Twenty four hours without any sleep was beginning to catch up with him. 

Montag monitored the screen from the back of the room so as not to disturb Rassilon. He must have forgotten he wasn't alone otherwise he wouldn't have lowered his head and shown the strain he was under. Seconds after he'd done this the dot started to move forcing him to remind the president of his presence.  

"It's on the move Lord President."  

He raised his head and saw for himself that the dot was now making its way towards them. 

"How long?" 

"She should arrive in less than an hour. She's not alone Lord President." 

"Have the Tardis redirected to my quarters." 

"But that contravenes security protocols Lord President. The unknown passenger could pose a threat." 

"May I remind you that I am the President and if I choose to take a risk then that's my business." 

"I'll see to it right away." replied Montag wishing he hadn't questioned Rassilon's actions. Such comments could set back ones career by centuries.

Romana felt a slight vibration under her feet and looked towards Sylvester sat in the chair to see if he'd noticed. He was still sleeping so clearly he hadn't but she was sure she hadn't imagined it. Maybe the console despite its limitations would confirm her suspicions. 

Inside the central column a solitary red light flashed. Her days at the academy had ended centuries ago but if she remembered correctly such a light only meant one thing. The Tardis was being redirected away from the landing bay to an unknown location. She wasn't overly concerned though Rassilon clearly wanted a private audience in his chambers. She didn't blame him either as it was the only place that wasn't monitored. 

"Wakey wakey Sylvester looks like we're going to make a rare visit to the President's private chambers. Now let me do the introductions because although he'll know you're here he won't know if your friend or foe. We wouldn't want you to be vaporised before you can tell him what you know." she smiled to show him that the last sentence was only a joke. 

He smiled back still not knowing quite what to make of this Time Lord. She was friendly enough but he could detect a deep sadness in her eyes that she was doing her best to hide.  

"Did you know him?" he asked out of the blue in an effort to catch her off guard. 

"Know who?" she replied feigning ignorance. 

To her relief the central column stopped moving giving her the perfect opportunity to steer the conversation away from the awkward question that he'd obviously been considering for some time.

"Its time." she stated as she headed for the door expecting Sylvester to follow closely behind her.

Rassilon sat in the ornate surroundings of his private chamber and stared ahead at the faint outline of Romana's materialising Tardis. He gripped the armrests of his golden high backed throne and wondered if he'd get the answer he wanted or the one he feared. 

Montag had been right Romana wasn't alone but it looked as if the caution he'd advised wasn't necessary. The man that followed closely behind her looked too young and bewildered to be of any threat to him or the rest of the Time Lords.  

"Lord President let me introduce Agent Sylvester of the Shadow Proclamation."  

"As much as I love meeting new people Romana we have important matters to discuss. What have you got to tell me?" 

That's why he's here." she said motioning for Sylvester to join her "He's got something to say that you'll find quite disturbing." 

Sylvester swallowed hard as he stepped forward and faced the intimidating figure sat on his throne. 

"I was sent to Mondas to investigate the possibility of a connection between the increased military activity and a murder on the planet Damnos."  

"Tell me more about the murder." he asked making sure his voice didn't give away his heightened interest. 

"Shortly before his murder the Leader was asked for information regarding the Doctor. For reasons unknown to me the Shadow Architect deemed any interest in the Doctor to be potentially dangerous. Unfortunately though the trail went cold until we were able to trace the murderer to Bethlem Hospital on Earth. Once again though we were too late he'd already gone but not before leaving the only witness a Doctor Munro unable to answer any questions." 

Sylvester stopped when he saw the Lord President raise his hand in the air. 

"Thank you Agent Sylvester you've been most useful. Would you be so kind as to sit over there while I speak with Romana?" 

He had little choice but to do as he was told regardless of how much his curiosity was now peaked by the President's interest in his field work. As he sat down on the plain moulded red chair he realised to his dismay that the President had seated him out of earshot. He may never know what they were talking about but he wasn't quite ready to return home yet. 

"So what are the Cybermen up to? Were you able to find anything out?" asked Rassilon once he was sure Sylvester was out of earshot.  

"Yes I was and I'm afraid it's not good news. Both the Cybermen and the Daleks are being led by a hooded man whose identity eluded me. He used some form of advanced hypnosis on me because I can't recall a single detail of his face yet I know I looked straight at it." 

"Is it the same man who visited Damnos and Earth?" 

"It would appear so Lord President." 

"What's he got planned and why has he amassed such a large army?" 

"I suspect you already know the answer to that one. He intends to destroy us and in his words put an end to our dominance of the universe." 

She watched as Rassilon leapt from his seat and retrieved his scarlet robe from a nearby hook.  

"Come with me I think it's time the High Council took this threat seriously."

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