Chapter Fifteen

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Despite living for over a thousand years he'd never once felt so weary. He had no idea how long he'd been in the cage for but judging by the length of his now grey hair and beard it was a considerably long time. Such solitude would have driven most people mad but he'd spent so many lifetimes racing from one crisis to the next that the quiet had been very calming. 

What he didn't find quite so calming was the notion that in the not to distant future he would die. It wasn't so much the process that bothered him it was the uncertainty of not knowing when it would occur. 

He eased himself to the floor with the intention of sleeping but was distracted by a strangely familiar noise. Old age had dulled his once sharp mind making it difficult to remember where he'd heard it before. 

Struggling to his feet he scanned his surroundings until he came to the mysterious blue box. A black rectangular box seemed to have appeared from nowhere but that was impossible unless his memory was playing up again. 

As he continued to gaze in confusion at it two strangers a man and a woman emerged from behind it. The woman walked right up to the wall of his cell and stared sorrowfully at him. Without knowing why he could feel tears rolling down his face.  

"You won't know me anymore but we were friends once. My name is Romana and you're the Doctor." 

"Doctor." he repeated as a tiny spark of recognition showed in his eyes. 

"You won't be able to comprehend this Doctor but the universe is facing its darkest hour and only you can save it." 

Sylvester couldn't help but stare at the Doctor. He'd heard so many incredible stories about his exploits but it was hard to believe the old man in front of him did those things. 

"Who's the rather rude young man staring at me?" asked the Doctor pointing a bony finger at Sylvester. 

"He's agent Sylvester of the Shadow Proclamation and no you haven't met before." 

"How can I possibly save the universe?" he said gesturing to himself  

"There's only one way."

The static slowly cleared to reveal the face of a man he didn't recognise. He must have been in his early forties but his hair and beard were jet black. 

"Now listen and listen well because I won't be repeating myself and what I have to say is non negotiable. I'll put it to you plainly and simply so you'll understand. I'm going to destroy your planet. Even with your simple technology you'll already be aware of the size and nature of my army so of course resistance is futile." he said with a grin. 

"May I know the name of our destroyer." asked the Brigadier. 

"I am the Master and in the moments before you die feel free to check your records you'll find me in there. You once had the nerve to imprison me so maybe we could call this a belated revenge. Goodbye Brigadier lovely speaking to you but I don't expect we'll speak again." 

"What sort of firepower can we bring to bear against them Sergeant?" he asked despite already knowing the answer. 

"Nothing that will have any effect Sir." 

"That's what I thought. Very well instigate emergency protocol one." he replied as calmly as he could manage.

Doctor Who and the Final Confrontation (The Future Doctor Chronicles Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now