Chapter Four

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The hooded man stood facing the main console of his ship clenching and unclenching his fists. Anger welled up inside him and he wasn't a man accustomed to holding it back. He slammed his fist down hitting a display screen and causing it to splinter.  

"Those high and mighty Time Lords think they can do whatever they wish. Well their dominance of space and time is coming to an end. They'll soon be on their knees begging for mercy." he said out loud as he picked shards of glass from his bleeding hand. 

He brushed the broken glass off the consoles keyboard and typed in one word. The huge monitor screen behind the console flared into life and displayed the image of a huge red planet. He was more than familiar with this world but his decision to go there wasn't taken lightly. He needed them though if he was going to succeed with his plan. At the push of a button the ships engines roared into life propelling him towards his destiny.

Sylvester stepped off the gangway knowing full well that beyond the door to the landing bay Demetrius would be waiting for him. He could already imagine the sly smirk on his face as he gloated over his failure. With several days to lay the foundations of his downfall he feared the worst. Shouldering his bag he made his way to the exit. 

As predicted Demetrius was sitting in the ante room awaiting his arrival. He stood up as they made eye contact. 

"Ah Agent Sylvester I've been waiting for you. The Shadow Architect would like to see you immediately." 

The smugness he'd expected wasn't evident so maybe he got it wrong. Maybe he hadn't tried to sabotage his career. 

"What's she said regarding my last report sir?" he asked not bothering to hide the fact that he wanted to find out what he might have said. 

He watched as Demetrius nervously ran a hand through his short grey hair. 

"Actually she hasn't issued any new orders. Apparently she wanted to see you in person first." 

Sylvester suppressed a smile as he realised all wasn't lost his career still had a chance.

"In your opinion Agent Sylvester is there sufficient evidence to prove the Doctor was on Damnos." asked the Shadow Architect fixing him with her cold gaze. 

Much to the annoyance of Sylvester Demetrius butted in preventing him from replying. 

"The evidence is purely circumstantial. It solely consists of an overheard conversation with an unknown male. Not exactly concrete proof when you consider it was most probably spoken under extreme duress." 

The Shadow Architect's brow creased into a frown as she turned to face Demetrius. 

"Did I say Chief Agent Demetrius or was my question for Agent Sylvester?" she asked sarcastically. 

Demetrius stared down at his feet not daring to make eye contact with her. 

"My apologies ma'am I meant no disrespect." 

"Now Sylvester once again please tell me what you think about the incident on Damnos." 

"It's true the evidence is circumstantial but I believe the Leader was killed for a reason and that was to destroy any trail that might lead to the Doctor. We did discover something else that may add credibility to this theory." 

He slipped the bag of his shoulder, unzipped it and let the contents drop to the floor.  

"That was found amongst the rubble of the city. On its own it proves nothing but when you add it to what we already know it would seem that the Doctor was on that planet. We all know his reputation for leaving defeated enemies in his wake." 

"You're assumptions are sound. The Doctor's file details many incidents involving the cybermen. If the Doctor is being pursued then the whole universe is in danger." 

"Where is the Doctor?" he asked confused as to why being pursued could be such as threat. 

"All I'm permitted to say is that he's in a place that's deemed to be safe and secure. However in light of recent events we can't be certain of anything. It's imperative that whoever is after him is stopped before it's too late." 

She turned to Demetrius who no longer stood staring at the floor and addressed him directly.  

"I want you to cancel all previous searches and concentrate solely on the Doctor and this mysterious hooded man."

It felt very much like he'd gone back to square one Sylvester thought as he stared at his computer screen. Maybe he was being a little too negative after all he was still working for the Shadow Architect.  

A looming presence over his shoulder reminded him that he wasn't working alone. He was certain that Demetrius was looking at him rather than the search log. It'd take a while for him to get over the humiliation of being outdone by his subordinate but he'd seen little point in holding back for the sake of a man who hated him.  

"Stop daydreaming and get on with it. We wouldn't want the Universe to fall because you can't concentrate." demanded Demetrius sternly. 

Sylvester tapped the screen to bring up the latest list of results but to his dismay there wasn't any. He needed to think fast if he was going to make the progress that was expected of him. It suddenly occurred to him that most ships leave behind energy signatures. In theory then high energy levels in unusual places might prove worthy of investigation. There was only one way to find out so he entered the new search parameters and waited. 

"I've found something Sir?" he said not quite believing that his idea had paid off. 

"What is it? asked Demetrius peering intently at the screen.  

"Scans have picked up an energy signature on Earth." 

"What's so special about that? Stop wasting time and search for the Doctor." 

"I don't know what you know about Earths history but energy levels on such a scale are unheard of in 19th century London. There's no natural explanation for them so it strongly suggests an alien presence." 

"Very well then you'd better requisition a couple of vortex manipulators so we can investigate your theory. You'd better pray your right though the Shadow Architect doesn't take kindly to unnecessary time travel." 

Sylvester got the distinct impression that if his theory proved to be right then Demetrius would take the credit and if he was wrong the blame would fall at his feet.

Doctor Who and the Final Confrontation (The Future Doctor Chronicles Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now