Chapter One

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Sylvester settled into his seat and watched as his computer screen flared into life. He wasn't looking forward to another day of reading tedious reports minutely detailing violations of the countless galactic regulations.  

He'd joined the Shadow Proclamation more than a year ago in the hope that it would enrich his otherwise dull existence. His head had been filled with the notion that agents of the Shadow Proclamation travelled the known universe in pursuit of law breakers. To his recollection it'd only taken an hour to completely destroy that illusion. 

With his head resting in his hands Sylvester stared at the screen and rolled his eyes upwards. The ocular motion sensor kicked in and the list scrolled down revealed page after page of mundane infringements. None of them required a physical presence. They were dealt with them by sending a communication warning the wrongdoers of the repercussions of a continued disregard of the law. If this didn't work, which was rare a force of Judoons was dispatched to persuade them to change their minds.  

A loud knock on his office door forced him back to reality. He caught his reflection in the computer and smoothed down his ruffled blond hair. At twenty nine he was the youngest agent ever to work for the Shadow Proclamation and for that reason he had a lot to prove. He stood up and smoothed down his black collarless jacket and did up the buttons to hide the creased white shirt beneath.  

"Come in." 

The door slid open soundlessly and Chief Agent Demetrius strode in. He couldn't help but notice a look of mild irritation on his face. This was no surprise as Demetrius had never bothered to hide the fact that he loathed having to supervise him. Sylvester always put it down to jealousy. Demetrius had told him on his first day how he'd applied to become an agent from an equally young age but was turned down.  

"New orders from the Shadow Architect." he said bluntly before slamming a file down onto the desk. 

"From the Shadow Architect!" exclaimed Sylvester not quite believing what he'd just heard.  

It was almost unheard of for ordinary agent's to receive communications from the Shadow Architect. He nervously licked his dry lips as he picked up the folder and opened it. 

"It's an important amendment to the search protocols." stated Demetrius in a blatant attempt at reasserting his authority. 

He looked up from the file as Demetrius turned to leave. 

"Don't delay Agent. The Shadow Architect is gravely concerned about this matter." 

"I'll get right on it Sir." 

He returned his gaze to the file in front of him and began to read. The instructions were clear and concise 'continually search for any mention of the Doctor originating from anywhere in the Universe and report your findings immediately' 

Demetrius wasn't exaggerating when he said it was important. He's heard of the Doctor, everyone had, but why the sudden interest in him. Then it hit him the Doctor hadn't been seen for quite some time. Everyone had attended an emergency briefing a few weeks ago on the subject. As far as he remembered no satisfactory explanation had been found. All they knew was that people didn't normally just disappear without even the slightest trace being left behind.  

Tapping the desk he waited a few seconds for the outline of a keyboard to appear before typing two words and pressing enter. The report screen closed to be replaced by a status bar. This new scan he'd implemented proved to be slow but he guessed the universe was a large place. He held his breath as it reached the final stages. His fists clenched as he willed it to find something. Something that might with a little bit of luck alleviate his tedious routine for a while. 

The bar finally completed its journey across the screen and as soon as it did so the page shut down. A puzzled look spread across his face as he tapped the monitor in the hope it would spring back to life. He didn't have long to wait as seconds later it returned to life and emitted a short sharp alarm. 

Two lines of text appeared in the middle of the screen. He read and reread them 'The Leader of Damnos (one of the last known places visited by the renegade Time Lord known as the Doctor) has been found murdered. Witnesses report the arrival of a mysterious hooded figure.' 

This was the kind of excitement he was looking for he thought as he pressed print and waited. Surely the Shadow Architect would need someone to personally investigate such an important matter. Snatching the printout from his desk he ran from the room for his first ever meeting with the Shadow Architect.

The Brigadier took off his cap and placed it neatly on his desk. Catching sight of himself in the mirror on the back of his door he tutted. Reaching into his pocket he brought out a comb and neatened up his short grey hair. Like most military men of his age he cared a great deal about looking smart, which is why he never allowed his men to see him untidy and unshaven.  

He sighed as out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of his in tray. It was piled high with intelligence reports. Without looking he knew what they'd contain. Each and every one of them detailed supposed sightings of his scientific advisor the Doctor.  

Technically the Doctor had been employed by UNIT since 1970 when he'd saved the world from the autons. He'd always been a difficult man to control and then there was the problem of his appearance. It was impossible to know what he'd end up looking like when he did eventually turn up. As far as he could tell he'd regenerated at least seven times since accepting the position. To be fair though if you looked at it from his point of view the Brigadier had changed many times too since Lethbridge Stewart.  

He smiled as he considered that he was searching for a man with at least eight different faces. A man that he'd never actually met. The odds seemed to be rather stacked against him but the idea of a universe without the Doctor wasn't worth contemplating. 

Four short taps on his door were a welcome distraction preventing him from tackling his workload.  


Sergeant Carter marched in, saluted the Brigadier and stood to attention. 

"Stand at ease Sergeant. What can I do for you?" 

Sergeant Carter relaxed as much as military etiquette allowed. He was a stickler for following the rules, which in his opinion was the key to success. When the Brigadier retired he wanted to be sure he'd be the one to replace him. At thirty five there was a chance he could become the youngest Brigadier in UNIT's history. It would be nice he thought if it could happen before he turned grey. 

"It's the new Psychic Officer Magdalene Sir. She's become quite agitated and disturbed." 

"What's caused her agitation Sergeant?" 

"I'm not sure Sir. I came as soon as I heard." 

The Brigadier picked up his cap, carefully placed it on his head and stood up to leave. 

"Right let's go and find out then."

Doctor Who and the Final Confrontation (The Future Doctor Chronicles Part Two)Where stories live. Discover now