"Mam, please don't cry. The make up." I say from the make up chair as Adam and Aaron fixed my make up and hair. It was the day. And I'm trying so hard to be really calm but my stomach is already doing back flips on the inside.

"I just can't believe my baby is getting married." My mam says, covering her mouth with her palm. The girls comfort her, giving her a tissue and rubbing her back. "Why don't you take a seat, Debs." Jesy says. My mam nods and gets the water from Ellie. "Thanks Jes." I say as I stand up and looked at the mirror. I smile at my appearance, satisfied with my look.

"Ready?" Jade asks. It was just a matter of minutes now and I will be marrying the man of my dreams. My heart is beating in an abnormal pace and my stomach is just twisting and turning. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. "Ready as I'll ever be." I say.

I walk to the bed and pick up the card Alex had given, attached to the flowers he sent along with the wedding gift. He gave me a beautiful gold bracelet with diamonds in it and it was just lovely. I sat down on the bed and gently opened the envelope. "Go on, read it. We want to hear what he wrote." Leigh said. The door opened and revealed Wendie. She strode towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "The letter you gave Alex was so beautiful, he literally went out crying". She stroked my hair and smiled.

"Aww, thank you for raising such a wonderful woman, Debs." She hugged my mam and they start crying again; the girls trying to console them. "Come on, Perrie. Read it." Caitlin said.

To my future wife,

You know that thing they say that when you see the one---your destiny--you'll see them in slow mo? Like the world just stops around them and all you see is that person walking slowly towards you, and you get to take in all their details and all their features. Well, I didn't see a slow mo with you, Pez. I saw a flashforward. I saw you walking in a white dress, walking towards me who's in a black tux and tie. I knew in that very instant that you were going to be the one for me, the only person I'll spend the rest of my life with. I couldn't be more grateful to have met you, Perrie. You are the missing puzzle piece that completes my life. You are my one and only and I am for your keeping forever. I can't wait to marry you today, babe. I love you to the moon and back.

Your future husband

"Oh gosh, your make up." Adam says, snapping me out of my trance. I hadn't noticed that I was already crying. This man is the sweetest and I can't believe I was marrying him today.

"He is such a sweetheart." I say, gently wiping my tears. I look at the rest of the people in the room and they were all in tears as well. "Let's get you touched up." Adam says and fixes my make up. I scroll through my phone and saw that Alex had already posted a picture. We had an agreement that we would only let the public know about today on the day itself. We wanted to shock them so bad.

I smile at his photo, my man was dashing as usual. I'm just the luckiest girl in the world right now. "Have you seen his post?" I ask. "Yep, he looks pretty excited." Jesy said, smiling.

" Jesy said, smiling

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Alerrie: The Perfect MatchWhere stories live. Discover now