Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I'm sorry, are they distracting you? Because..." I whispered, reaching behind me and unhooking my bra, "I could just..." I smirked, loving the fact that she was refusing to watch my bra fall away. I watched as her jaw clenched and unclench rapidly, trying her hardest not to stare at me. She wanted to fuck around with me, then two can play at this game. I leaned back against the sofa, loving the heat that was building between us. Valerie licked her lips, her eyes not moving away from the T.V. I smiled loving that she seemed to have a lot of willpower. I looked down at my pants, debating if I should slide them off. I mean... she teased the fuck out of me when I came out of the bathroom... but instead, I placed my bra back on. She looked back at me, with a flustered look about her.

"This..." I heard her sigh, causing me to be confused now. "I can't deal with this anymore..." She breathed, looking over at me. Gone was the playful woman that was here moments ago. I furrowed my brows, confused by the sudden change of heart. But as I looked at her, I could see the hurt girl that I had always noticed, but never mentioned. I frowned as she offered me a short smile, one that didn't reach her eyes at all.

"Can't deal with what?" I asked stupidly, not wanting her to answer, but also wanting to know what she meant. Here I was, sitting next to her without a shirt on; feeling stupid. But, to my surprise, she threw the remote somewhere else, straddling me. I placed my hands on her hips, loving the blush that crept upon her cheeks. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with emotions. She wasn't being her assertive playful self she was in the bedroom a few moments ago. Her emotions were clear in her eyes, obvious that she wasn't sure what she was doing at this moment. The tension between us was driving us both crazy. I wasn't sure when I noticed it... maybe after we shared our fucked-up stories? Or... maybe it was before. I wasn't entirely sure anymore... but as she straddled me, her legs on either side of me... I couldn't help but tighten my hands on her hips. She leaned down, her eyes telling me more than anything right now. I swallowed the lump that grew in my throat, nearly making me choke. In the low lighting, I watched as she bit her lower lip.

"Lyndsey... I want an answer... why did you avoid me?" She asked out of the blue, throwing me off guard. I averted my eyes from her, not wanting to admit the real reason I did what I did. How was I supposed to tell her that I not only knew who murdered her mother... but that it was my fault he was able to do it...? How was I supposed to admit that during all this crazy fucked up shit between us... that I was falling for her? Valerie placed her hands upon my face, causing me to clench my jaw. I instinctively pressed my head into her palm, trying to think of what to say to her. As I opened my eyes, I felt the air leave my body instantly as her intense stare penetrated my soul. "Lyndsey." She said with a stern voice.

"Valerie..." I sighed, my fingers grazing the hem of her boy shorts. I watched as she blushed as if looking down at my topless self for the first time. Her cheeks were a dark shade of red, her eyes staring at my chest. I couldn't help the smirk that adorned my lips. I leaned up, planting my lips upon hers, trying to distract her from her questioning. She moaned quietly against my lips, her fingers digging into my hair. I smirked, my hands finding their way onto her lower back, wishing to move them further south. I was taken by surprise when she pulled my hands away from her, pinning them to the wall behind me. I looked up at her, noticing the raised brow she had.

"Listen..." She breathed out, her breathing slightly labored now, "You're avoiding my questions. I have a right to know... because honestly..." She sighed, biting her lower lip as she looked down at me. I chewed on the side of my cheek, attempting to free my arms from her grasp. 'Fuck, she is stronger than I thought...' I thought as her chocolate eyes bore into me. I became uneasy now... "Lyndsey!"

"Fuck man!" I yelled back, slightly startled by her sudden change in volume. "What do you want to know? I mean... I'm sitting here in my bra and you're more concerned about why I haven't been home in a few days? I was with Kyle. Why is that such a big deal?" I snapped, shocking the both of us. I winced as she gripped my wrist tighter, leaning closer as she glared at me.

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