Ch. 4

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Saying goodbye for both girls was like watching a loved one get murdered right before their eyes. If you walked into the room, the air would just make you cry.

Dinah was already crying, her face wet of tears as she gave her best friend a hug that would be written in her mind forever.

"Bye Manibear. Remember, please don't forget me." The young Poly whimpered, her voice wavering.

"Never ever. Bye Dinahsoar. Don't forget me either." Normani cried, her tears multiplying in numbers as they streamed down her beautiful face.

"Never ever. Listen to me, Mani. Never forget what I'm gonna say, okay?" Dinah sobbed, holding her beat friend's hand and looking her dead in the eye. After receiving a nod of verification, she continued. "Whatever you do, don't let people hurt you or mess up your art or anything that you care about. Make sure you stand up for what you believe in and... and make sure you have a voice. I know it's hard, but can you promise me one thing? Promise me that you'll find a new friend that cares about you and will love you like I do. Tell me you'll try, Mani, please!" The Poly sobbed, practically begging Normani, who was already crying rivers.

"Dinah, you know..." Normani began, trying to force the newly forming tears back into her sockets, but it was a fail.

"Please Normani, find someone to love you like I do. Please. Do it for me, Manibear." The 6-year-old cried, her grip tightening on Normani's hand.

"Okay. For you Dinah." The young African American sighed, before pulling Dinah into a hug.

Camila felt herself on the edge of tears, reminding herself that she had to be strong for the little girl and that she needed to talk to her best friend later on.

The final wave goodbye was enough to send Demi and Camila on full blown tears, as they separated ways. Camila and Normani made their way to the car, and the Cuban opened the backseat door for the 7 year old.

"Come on, Mani. Let's go shopping before we arrive home." Camila told her, wiping away at the tears that were on her face.

"Okay." She muttered, relaxing while Camila placed her seatbelt on her and placed her things right beside her.

When Camila was done, she went to the driver's seat and started the car, playing some soft music in the background. The car began to shake and even though it was silent, you can still hear the soft sound if Normani's voice.

"Bye Dinah." She muttered softly, her small hand on the window. She looked up at the Cuban woman who had all of her attention on the road. "Miss Camila?" She asked, looking down at her hands.

"Yes sweetie?" Camila answered, looking at the small girl in the rear view mirror.

"Does this mean that you're gonna be my Mommy?" Normani asked nervously, keeping her eyes on the older woman.

"Sure does." Camila answered her daughter. She smiled to herself. Daughter.

"So is Dinah gonna have a mommy soon?" Normani asked, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"I can't say soon, but I can say that she will have a mommy or daddy one day." Camila sighed, her hand running through her hair. She really wanted to adopt the Poly, but she just wasn't ready to take care of two younger children yet. She had to take one step at a time.

"No, DJ can't have a daddy. She don't like them. They scare her." Normani yelped, her hopeful face immediately changed to a scared one.

Camila looked up, full of confusion and full of shock. "Can I ask why?" She asked Normani, watching the small girl take deep breaths.

"They hurt her. She is scared of them and she don't like them. She needs to have a mommy. No daddy." Normani finished, looking at her new mother directly in her eyes before catching a glimpse of a tall building outside.

Her brown orbs became attached to the buildings, her face written with shock all over them and she smiled everytime she saw another large building.

"You should see them at night, baby. They're gorgeous." Camila smiled, interrupting Normani's thoughts.

"Really? Can we come her at night time, then?" Normani asked, looking up at Camila with a smile. 

"Yeah, not today but maybe another day. Okay?" She concluded, and after hearing a small yes, she focused her attention on the road. The car fell into complete silence, only with some soft music in the back ground. When she reached a traffic light, she turned to check on the quiet girl. A grin formed from ear to ear as she saw Normani with a notepad and pencil in her hands, seeming like she was sketching some sort of scenery.

Turning back around, Camila couldn't stop grinning, which of course got her some weird looks.

When they arrived to the mall, the Cuban woman found a parking place before stopping the car, getting out of the driver's seat. She  opened the backseat door where Normani was sitting and she smiled as the small girl didn't seem to realize that they stopped, so she was still sketching.

"I love it so far." Camila finally said, giggling when Normani nearly jumped out of her seat.

"Thanks... Erm, um... Miss Camila." She stuttered, closing her beloved sketch pad and placing it on the floor, before trying to take off her seatbelt.

She continued to struggle, which Camila found adorable.

"Do you need any help, babe?" The older woman finally asked, watching how the 7 year old just glanced at her before shaking her head no.

"I'm a big girl. I can do it." She said softly, determination written all over her face. She began to press and hit the seatbelt thingy until it finally set her free, and she jumped into Camila's arms in joy.

"Did you see that, Miss Camila? Did you?!" She exclaimed, looking at Camila with a proud smile.

"Yes I did, Mani! You're such a strong and smart girl! Good job!" Camila praised, loving how the young girl's smile spread across her face. "Can you hold my hand please?" Camila asked, after locking the car door.

"Okay." Normani cheered, before grabbing ahold of her new mother's hand.

Mother. Miss Camila was her mommy now.

Oh how it felt so good to finally call someone that. She just hoped that she would actually stay with her.

A/N: Hey wonderful people!

There was a point when I was just sick, then lazy. So I forced my but to press publish before I feel asleep😂😂


So today, the question is what is the dish that you would die for?

My answer: So, I'm a Haitian Cuban mix so one dish that I cannot live without is Fried Plantains. (Idk if that's how you say it in English😮). I love it with a passion and I'm just sgsgsgsushsh! Gosh I'm hungry😂😂.

Love y'all and be safe!

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