Valentine's Day

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Y/n pov

I woke up before my alarm went off. I looked at my phone, 5:30 am. I decided to get up and get ready to head out. I took a quick shower trying to be quite. When I was done, I quietly went downstairs and grabbed me an apple, and headed out the door. I remembered that my car was here, and decided to take it instead of Nathan's. I opened the car door, and started it up, it sounded amazing! I went to Walmart. Good thing I came early, because a lot of people were starting to show up. I quickly got what I was looking for and headed out. By the time I was done it was 7:30 am. I decided to go out to other places to get things for my room.(And to hide the things you got for them.) By the time I got back it was 8:10 am. I got home, and Nathan and George were no where to be found. I was glad that they weren't here because then I can start putting up things. I got everything wrapped, and wrapped the balloons around the gift. I was done when I heard the door open. I quickly put the things in the closet, and acted like I was about to start a life video. "Y/n!!!You here!?!" Nathan yelled. " Yea I was just about to start a life video for my life channel." I started to head downstairs. I reached the bottom step, than someone scared me. My reflexes kicked in and I kicked them in the stomach. "Ouch!" I turn around to see moose. "Omg, are you ok?!" "Yea I'm fine. Remind me not to scare you anymore." He giggled. I said I was sorry and asked if they wanted to be in my video. They said yes, and I started recording. " Hey guys it y/y/c and welcome back to another life video. And this time I moved from w/y/l(where you live) and moved to Texas, with my best friend....NATHAN!!!!!" " Hey guys!" " And the one and only, the wild MOOSECRAFT!!" " CAN I GET A HAYHHHHHH!!!" After I did the intro we did an q and a, and after about a few hours, I decided to do the out tro. "Well guys that is gonna ended it for todays video. Don't forget to subscribe and slap that bell, so you never miss a video. And don't forget to also go and check out Unspeakable and Moosecraft in the description down below. And I'll see you guys in another video bye!!" Then I ended the recording. I decided to edit the video later, and went to find the guys. "Hey, happy Valentine's day!" Nathan quickly got up and headed to his room. After about a few seconds he was back, and he had two bags. He handed one to moose. " Here this one is from me." Nathan said as he handed me a bag. "Thanks, what is it?" I asked. "You will see." I pulled out a box, I open the box to see a hat and some shoes. At first I didn't know what kind of shoes they where until I looked at the box. They were the limited edition dancing shoes! " Omg, Nathan! How did you find these! These are limited, I have tried looking for them, but how did you-" " I know people, y/n." He said. I got up and hugged him. "Thank you so much." " That's not all." He said with a smile. " There is more!?! Oh Nathan I don't need nothing else I'm already happy!" I went back to the bag and saw chocolates! I love chocolates! It was like Christmas came early for me! I thanked him once again, and I said that I will be back. I got the gifts for them out of the closet, and took them downstairs. "Here, this is for you." I gave Nathan a bag, and he opened it. When he saw it his eyes lit up with joy! " OMG!!! IT'S.......SPONGEBOB!! AND CANDY!!" He yelled, and ran to give me a hug. I heard George laugh, and than got up. " Ok, you nub time to let go." He giggled. Nathan let me go, and sat back down. " My turn, here you go. This is from me." George handed me his bag, and some flowers. They were white roses, my favorite. I opened the gift, and saw an other box as well. I took the box out and opened it. There was equipment for my set up. And there was a plushie of a little fox.(Just like your Minecraft player's animal.) "Thanks moose. I was just about to get more equipment for my set." " There is also something else." I looked back in the bag to see another box. I pulled it out and it was a necklace. I looked closer, and saw it said ' Welcome home y/n.' I almost teared up.( Your mom died when she was giving birth to you, and your father left when you where 10. And you and your brother and sister where adopted.) I guess he saw me, and gave me a hug. Later, Nathan joined the hug also. I didn't want to let go of him but I had to. I gave him my gift. And he opened it. It was a watch that has not been out yet. " Omg, how did you get this?! This watch hasn't been in stores yet!?" "I have my ways." I said with a slight giggle. He thanked me, and gave me another hug. I loved his hugs. I went up to my room to put away my things. I heard someone behind me. I got to my room to see that Moose was following me. "Hey what is u-" I felt something soft on my lips, and realized that George was kissing me. I kissed back. And we kissed for, what it seemed like forever, than we pulled away. " Sorry, I just really like you." He said. " It's ok. I like you too." Me and him were both blushing. And than I said, " Um, thanks again for the gift." He looked at me and said," No problem." After a little Nathan called George to come downstairs to help him with something. He came up to me and kissed my forehead, and gave me something in my hand, and left. I looked at my hand to see a paper with a number on it, and George's name on it. I smiled when I saw it. I quickly put my things away and headed downstairs.

Moose's pov

I decided to follow her to her room. ' I am gonna do it. I asked Nathan if I was able to date her and he said yes, but if I hurt her than he would kill me.' I didn't judge him, they are like family. So I followed her to her room. And I heard her say something, but I just went for it. I kissed her. Her lips were so soft. I guess she was shocked, but than loosen up, and kissed me back. After what seemed like ages, we pulled apart. "I'm sorry, it is just that I like you." I said with my head down. She was silent for a little than said, " It is ok. I like you too." I looked up at her. Did she really just say that!? I was blushing like crazy. And she was too. " George can you come and help me!" Dang it Nathan. I came closer to her and kissed her forehead, and gave her my number. I left and helped Nathan. He was trying to move the microwave. " Why are you moving the microwave?." I asked him. " Because my candy went behind their." He wined. I helped him move it, and heard y/n come downstairs. After Nathan got his candy we decided to watch a movie. I sat in the middle, and Nathan was on my right and y/n was on my left. After that y/n fell asleep on my shoulder, and I didn't want to move her. I picked her up bridal- style and carried her up stairs, as I was carrying her I felt her move closer to my chest. She was so cute. I put her in her bed, and walked to the door. But heard her say stay. I came back, and stayed with her. " Happy Valentine's Day, Moose." She said sleepy. " Happy Valentine's Day, y/n." And she moved closer to my chest and fell asleep. After a while, I fell to sleep also, dreaming about what it would feel like if me and y/n dated. It was a wonderful dream, and I loved her so much. I want to be with her. And I promise I will make her happy, if it is the last thing I do.

~ Hey guys it is your author again, and I hope you guys liked today's story, and Happy Valentine's Day! I made this one long for you guys exactly 1,576 words. I hope you guys did enjoy, and please leave a vote because that shows support for this story. And I am thinking of updating every 3 times a week, just so I don't leave you guys hanging. But I hope you guys like today's story, and I'll see you guys either Friday or Saturday. Byeeeeeeeee!~  

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