The Wedding Day

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~Hey guys quick author's note, sorry I haven't updated in a long time, but I will on Monday I promise! In this chapter it has been a few months, and you are 5 months pregnant!! Well enough of me talking, lets get into the chapter! (Also at the top is supposed to be you and Moose😊)~

Y/n's pov

It has been a few months since Moose asked me to marry him, and when we visited his parents. And today was the day. My wedding day! I'm not gonna lie, I'm nervous. I got all my bridesmaids, my dress, and the food. I was already at the wedding, and I was getting into my dress.

(Just imagine it a little bit bigger since you are 5 months pregnant😊, okay back to the story

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(Just imagine it a little bit bigger since you are 5 months pregnant😊, okay back to the story.)

I haven't seen Moose since this morning. I heard a knock on the door, and someone opened it. I looked in the mirror to see my sister. I turn around to face her. I was crying. "Don't cry, Y/n! It's your wedding day. Please be happy." And she hugged me. " How's the little girl doing?" She said and rubbed my stomach. "Good. She kicked twice this month." I said wiping away tears. "When did you get here!?!" I said still wiping away some tears. " Yesterday. Nathan let me stay with him." I nodded. " Where is Tyrell?" " He couldn't come. He wishes he could, but he has to watch his kids." I nodded again. I seen the door open, and my bridesmaids where their. Dr. Alice, Julia, and Sky stopped in there tracks. " You look so BEAUTIFUL!!!! Moose is a lucky man." They said together. " Thanks." I blushed. " It's almost time, okay." Sky said. I nodded. I was still a little nervous, but since I have everyone here I'm fine. I hope Moose is too.

Moose pov

I just got to the wedding place, and it looked amazing!

I just got to the wedding place, and it looked amazing!

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The place was beautiful! I went inside to change.

I heard a knock on the door and it opened

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I heard a knock on the door and it opened. It was Y/n's brother, Tyrell! " Hey man!" He said and gave me a hug. " Hey. I thought you couldn't come." He nodded. " I didn't want to miss my little sisters wedding." He said. I nodded. " Dose she know?" " No. I want it to be a surprise." I nodded. " You know, you make her happy. I have never seen her act like this with someone before." He said. I kinda blushed. Am I really the ONLY person to make her so happy? He walked closer to me. " Don't break her heart know, okay. She loves you more than anything." " I promise I will never hurt her as long as I live." He nodded. " I must be going. Need to go meet the bride. See you later man." And he left the room. I followed him. I got to my spot, and waited for the music. I was a little nervous, but I was ready to get married to the one I loved.

Y/n's pov

I was told to get into my spot. I just remembered, who is gonna walk me down the aile!?! I was scared. I then felt something grab my hand. I was about to punch them, until I knew who it was. It was my brother! I hugged him. I started crying. "Don't worry sis, I'll walk you down the aile." " I thought you weren't coming." I said. " I didn't want to miss my little sisters wedding." He smiled, and wiped away a tear. " Now be happy. It is your wedding day." He turned to the doors, and put his arm out. I put my hand threw and I heard music. The doors opened, and my bridesmaids walked in. After everyone was gone. We walked in. I saw Moose. He looked so handsome. I couldn't believe I was marrying the guy of my dreams. And I couldn't wait until we were a family. We slowly walked down the aile. We made it to the top, and Tyrell let me go. I walked up the stairs slowly, and Moose grabbed my hand. " You look so beautiful." Moose said. I blushed. " Thanks, and you look so handsome."

Moose's pov

The doors opened and Y/n's bridesmaids walked out. Two people walked out, I looked again and it was Y/n and her brother. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was so beautiful, even 5 months pregnant. She is my everything. I will never love anyone as much as I love her. She walks up closer to me, and she stands next to me. The light hit her eyes, and they shined like stars. They were beautiful.
(Time skip to the last saying)
"Do you George L/n, take Y/n to be your wife?" He said. "I do." "And do you Y/n, take George to be your husband? As you both shall live?" "I do." I smiled. I can't believe I'm getting married to the women of my dreams. "You may now kiss the bride." I leaned in and I kissed her. I heard so many people clapping, and cheering, but I didn't care. I was now married to the one I loved, and I couldn't wait for our lives to start together. We pulled apart, and we walked back inside. 

~Hey guys it's Elly here! Are you guys happy?! You just got married to MOOSE!!!! Now things are forever prefect!😊 I hope you guys enjoyed, and I will be updating more. This one took forever because I needed to plan this out. But I'm back! I love you guys so much, and I hope you guys have an amazing day, night, morning, you name it! I'll see you guys in the next chapter, byeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!~

Moosecraft X Reader(The one for me) !!!COMPLETED!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora