The Gender

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~ Hey guys just a quick author's note here, but I am back and I will start posting again!😁 I hope you guys enjoy today's chapter!~

Y/n's pov

"What is it?" I ask nervously. " It's a girl!! Congratulations!" Dr. Alice said. I was so happy! I looked at Moose and he looked back. He kissed me. He then got close to my stomach." I can't wait to see you, my baby girl." He got back up and kissed me again. " Let me get this gel off of you know." Dr. Alice said. She had a cloth in her hand and wiped off my stomach. " You guys can go now. One more thing, what are you thinking of naming her?" She asked. I looked at Moose. " We will name her Clary. After my mother." I said. " What a beautiful name." Dr. Alice said. I nodded and me and Moose walked out. We headed back to the car, and we went home. I opened the door to see Nala and Luna running towards us. ( You guys moved back into your house after the sleepover😊) " Hey my babies!" I said as they jumped on my legs. I made it to the couch and sat down. Moose later joined me with food in his hands. Two sandwiches for me and him. After we got down eating, he started a movie. He laid down on my lap, and started to rub my stomach. " Hey Clary. It's your father. I love you with all my heart, and I am so ready to see you and hold you." He then kissed my stomach and rubbed it again. He sat up and watched the movie. I felt something. Was she kicking!?!?! I moved my hand to feel. She was!!! " I think she is kicking, feel!" I pulled Moose's hand to feel my stomach. I felt it again. " She is kicking!" He said. He kissed me, and kissed my stomach.

Moose's pov

Y/n pulled my hand to feel her stomach. I felt something hit my hand.  She was kicking! " She is kicking!" I said. Y/n was filled with joy, and so was I. I kissed Y/n and kissed her stomach. I loved them so much. My soon to be wife, and my soon to be daughter. I had an idea. I turn to face my beautiful soon to be wife. " How do you feel on meeting my parent's?" I asked. " I would love to meet your parents!" She said. She was smiling, and so beautiful. " How about we go on Monday?" ( On this day it's Thursday. So you guys have sometime to pack, and plan your flight.)  " Yea, that's fine. I'll let Dr. Alice know tomorrow." She yawned and set her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead. " Good Night my love." I said. " Good Night. I love you." She got confortable, and went to sleep. " I love you the most." And I fell asleep next to my love, my future, my everything. I loved her and Clary. Nothing can take them away from me.

~Hey guys, I'm back. Are you guys know happy that you know the gender? Well I hope you guys are. Clary is know going to be a big part of Y/n and Moose's life. I am also sorry it is short, but I will try to make the next chapter longer. I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter, byeeeeeeeeeee!!!~

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