The Doctor

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Y/n's pov

It's been a few months since Moose was injured. And I am about 3 months pregnant. He is still unconscious. The doctor's say his time is almost up. But I don't wanna think about that. I know he will wake up soon. He just needs time. It is about 10:30 am, and my mom brought Clary. She still is acting weird when she is in this room. I still don't know why. I haven't ate breakfast yet, I am not hungry tho. My mom said Clary ate already so that's good. I sat their with her in my lap. Then the door opened. It was the doctor.
"Hey doctor. Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yea everything is fine. I came to check on you. Are you okay?" Why dose he want to know?
"Yea, I'm fine." He nodded his head and came closer to me and Clary.
"Who is this? She is adorable." He said while touching Clary's head. I pulled her away.
"This is my daughter, Clary. She is about 4 months old." He nodded.
"Can I hold her?" He asked. I stood their. Just staring at him.
"She needs her nap. Sorry, next time." I said. I lied. I didn't feel right. He acted strange.
"Oh okay. Hey, I was wondering, if your husband doesn't wake up soon. Can I take you out on a date?" I knew it! That's why he came in here. He wanted to get to me. He started to get closer to me, but I stopped him.
"No. I can't. I only love my husband." He stood their. Shocked. Like as if I was going to say yes. I sat Clary down on the chair next to Moose's bed, and stood in front of her.
"Are you sure?" He asked stepping closer. By this time I was up against the wall. I was trapped. Clary was in the chair, and was facing the door. Staring at it. He pounded his hands on the wall next to my head. That got my attention. He was at least 1 inch away from my lips.
"I'll show you a good time." He whispered in my ear. He then grabbed a piece of my hair, and sniffed it. He was cruel! He put his hand in front of my face, but I turned my head. He grabbed my chin and turned my head. He kept his hand on my chin. He got closer to my lips, and kissed me. 'No! I can't! Not with Clary in the room!' I thought. I brought my hands up, and punched his stomach. He fell in pain. I went for Clary, but he grabbed my legs. I fell, face first. 

Moose's pov

I knew he was up to something. And why would he do this, with a child in the ROOM!?!?!?! He is dead!!! When Y/n punched him, I knew he wasn't going to let her out. I couldn't do anything but watch! DAMN IT! WHY NOW!
"Help! HELP!" Y/n yelled. I have to help her! I walked to my bed, and shook myself.
"Wake up! Wake up, Moose!" I look back to see the doctor on top of Y/n. No! I then shook myself like crazy, and then heard something. Is that. What I think it is? I look to see a belt come off.
"NO!!! DON'T YOU DEAR!!!" I yelled. I was then in the bed. My hospital bed. I am awake!
"Help!" Y/n yelled from the floor.
"Shut up! It will be over soon." He said. I took the tube out of my throat, and threw it. I got up, and ran to Y/n. I jumped on the doctor, and get on top of him. I then ball my hands into a fist, and start punching him. I'm punching him like crazy. I can't stop.

Y/n's pov

"Help!" I yelled. Nothing. No one heard me. I felt the doctor pull down my pants. No! Stop! I then heard them again.
'You deserve this! After this kill yourself. You can't deal with this! Do it!' I then didn't feel him. Where is he? I look to my right to see someone puching someone else. Who is that? I manage to turn over to my stomach. I crawl closer to them.
"Stop! Please." I said. I couldn't see their face, but they turned and saw me. And then everything went black.

~Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter. Moose is FINALLY awake! YAAAAAYYYYYY!!! Now, will you ever forgive the doctor for what happened? Will he go to jail? That's what you need to think about. I'll see you guys in the next chapter, byeeeeeeee!!!!~

Moosecraft X Reader(The one for me) !!!COMPLETED!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora