Charlie stood fully, sizing up Gabe. The poor guy didn't even know that he wouldn't have had a chance if I wasn't standing awkwardly between them.

"Okay," I pushed at both their chests, my hand melting under Gabe's warm touch. "We can sort this out later, but for now," Charlie pushed further into my hand, bracing his chest out. "I'll beat the crap out of both of you if you don't calm the f'ck down." Their staring and scrutinising glares continued. I looked at Gabe who seemed to have a little bit more than hate in his eyes. Dare I say it was jealousy?


"Ow!" Charlie screamed rather highly and jumped back into the table.

Gabe just held my hand in place.

"Did you just pinch me?" Charlie asked soothing his chest.

"Yes," I said without a paused. "We did you a favour taking that piece of sh't off your hands."


"Shut up." I interjected. "Charlie, we need your help, can we trust you?" I asked. I knew he wasn't to be trusted in terms of keeping his mouth shut - but that didn't mean he couldn't be threaten to keep it shut.

"What's in it for me?" He asked.

"Nothing -" Gabe muttered before he clamped his mouth shut. I glared up at him then casted my gaze down to our joint hands.

I should probably let go, or he should - at least.

I looked back up into his eyes which seemed like they hadn't left me. Or was he challenging me? As if he was gloating the fact that I had noticed we were still holding hands. So what? It didn't mean anything... he held my hand first!

Yet you're still holding his. That little voice who always seems to be right said.

"Are you guys going to keep doing that or get into some action?" Charlie's distant voice said. "I wouldn't mind joining in, you know." At that point his voice became clear as day. Our hands released each other at the same time. Before I could even turn around to scowl Charlie, Gabe had him up against the wall by the collar of his shirt.

"You're really starting to piss me off." Gabe said in quiet whisper. And I knew he was pissed, but he wasn't pissed off at Charlie - more so at the girl that keeps on rejecting him. Could you blame this? This wasn't the time to start canoodling and playing some Ed Sheehan songs about how deeply we love each other. Not when Charlie and the Cocky Factor had other things he'd rather do or say.

"Okay... let's keep him alive a little longer, shall we?" I rested my hand on Gabe's shoulder, squeezing the muscle in a massaging manner he seemed to calmed down and let go of Charlie making him drop to the ground.

"I," I empathised causing both focus to be on me. "Have a plan, boys." Both men raised their eyebrows. "But first," I pointed to Gabe, "Take those off." I waved absently at him.

I caught the mischievous glint in Charlie's eyes. "Are you gonna take yours off too?" He asked me grinning. I didn't even bother to stop Gabe's fist from colliding with his face, nor help him when he stumbled into the table, money flying everywhere.

Charlie was a piece of work.

I walked over to him, brushing the money out of his face. "Great!" I threw my hands up then turned to Gabe. "You knocked him out."

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