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I don't know how long I've been here. I've lost count of the days but if I had to guess I would say it has been a few weeks. This room is not much different than my one back home. It's a small room with a big white bed, a tall closet, and a small writing desk with a chair that's been nailed down to the floor. Right now I am sitting in that chair staring out the window of my room. My room is on the second floor and have one window with a wonderful view of my prison. It doesn't just end at the front door but instead goes on for miles in the form of empty wilderness, completely devoid of human life.

"Are you enjoying the view?" I turn around to see Hiro standing in the doorway. He quickly walks in and locks the door behind him with the small key he carries around his neck. I find locking the door to be unnecessary since I already am chained to the bed. The long metal chain allows movement only as far to the closet and restricts moving any closer to the door.

Hiro runs up to me and wraps his arms around my shoulders, squeezing me tightly.

"You've gotten thin." He mutters as he fondles my arms. I have quickly lost muscle definition from lack of exercise and appetite. I just never feel like eating anymore and nothing my brothers try will change that.

"Tomo was wondering if you wanted to come downstairs and watch a movie with us." Hiro says happily. Nothing has changed about him in the weeks we've been here. He is somehow exactly the same and that frightens me somehow, especially when compared to Tomo whose personality has flipped entirely.

Hiro undos the chain attached to my leg and pulls me to me feet as he unlocks the door and starts to lead me downstairs. We are just approaching the second step when Hiro stops abruptly and turns around to face me.

"Don't run." He warns me, his voice full of venom as the front door reaches our range of sight. Correction: Hiro has changed, it just doesn't show as often. 

I can feel the grip on my hand tighten as Hiro turns back around and leads me quickly down the stairs, past the front door, and into the living room where Tomo is sitting on the couch waiting. He is sitting there completely motionless with a dead, empty look in his eyes. When he hears our footsteps he turns and he smiles at me, but the empty look never leaves his eyes.

"Good morning Y/n." he purrs as he takes me from Hiro and sets me down in his lap. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck sending shivers up my spine as he holds me close in his arms. He practically buries his face in the crook of my neck as he greedily breaths in my scent.

"Please stop." I whimper and he pulls away from me slightly and leans his head back on the couch, all the while pulling me down to lay on his chest. While I lay on Tomo, Hiro watches from the other side of the room with Hatred in his eyes.

Hiro pov.

I hate how Tomo is older than me. Just because he is older he thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants. We had an agreement to share Y/n but despite that I constantly feel myself burning with rage as I see Tomo do things that I am not capable of with my smaller, weaker body. I'm still growing but from where I stand right now I am still not as tall as Y/n so it sometimes limits our interactions. I want to be able to pick her up and carry her in my arms like Tomo does but the way I am now its not possible.

I tear my eyes away from the two reluctantly and turn on the movie before sitting on the couch next to the two. As the movie plays my eyes are fixed on Y/n as she snuggles into Tomo's chest. She doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the movie as her eyes are focused on the ground. After a couple more minutes of watching I can't take it anymore so I reach over and pull Y/n off of Tomos chest and sit her down between us. Both Y/n and Tomo look at me surprised, but Tomos expression quickly turns to anger as he pulls Y/n closer to him again. I reach over and pull her back and it quickly escalates into a game of tug of war as we each try to keep Y/n on our side.

"You're hurting me." Y/n whines and we both immediately let go. She shuffles around on the couch for a second as she wraps her arms around herself and sits down in the center between us.

"I'm sorry." I whimper as I crawl closer to her and settle my head on her shoulder. "Please don't be mad." I cry. Tomo looks at me with daggers in his eyes while I smile smugly. Tomo may be manly but I'm pretty cute and Y/n likes cute, or at least she used to.

"P-please dont touch me." She whispers and I quickly back away as her shoulder begin to shake.

"Whats wrong?" Tomo asks as he trys to rub up close to her but she draws away.

"I want to go home." She cries as her eyes begin to water up.

"This is home." I say calmly and Tomo nodded in agreement but our answer doesn't settle Y/n who breaks out into hysterical sobs.

"Why can't we go back?!" She screams. "Why did this have to happen?! Why did you kill them?!"

We lsten to her cry for a few minutes before Tomo picks her up and brings her back to her room. I follow and watch from the doorway as he reattaches the chain to her leg and sets her down in her bed where she quickly curls up into a tiny ball.

"Poor Y/n." I mutter. She really isnt good with change, but she will get used to it eventually.

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