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Hiro pov.

Max yelped in pain as he pulled the thumb tacks out of his feet and shook the remainders out of his shoe. The store employees looked on in shock as small drops of blood trickled down his foot and hit the pale carpet below.

"Can we get a first aid kit please?" Y/n asked one of the employees as the young girl ran to the back room in search of one. "Max, how did this happen?" She asked him, her voice laced with concern. Out of the corner of his eye Max sent me an angry glare while I flashed him an innocent smile.

"No clue." He answered. At least he knew the position he was in and was smart enough not to rat me out. Of course if he had turned on me this whole ordeal would've been over a lot sooner but I guess he was stronger than that. As Y/n helped an employee bandage up Max's foot I collected the remaining tacks off the floor and put them back in their original bag before slipping them in my backpack pocket.

"How about we go get ice-cream?" I suggested. "It will give Max a chance to sit down as well as something to distract him from the pain."

"Actually it doesn't hurt that bad." Max said smugly and I couldn't help but glare at him under my bangs.

"Ice-cream sounds great." Y/n said as she helped Max to his feet and give him her shoulder to lean on as he limped around the corner to the icecream stand. I offered to go buy them while Max and Y/n sat down so Y/n gave me the money and I ran to the stand. I got a two chocolates for me and Y/n and a mint chip for Max. Before heading back though I ducked behind a tree out os sight and pulled a small green squeeze bottle from out of my back pack. I squeezed a generous portion of the green substance into Maxs ice-cream and mixed it around with the spoon so the green was well hidden in the mint. I then ran back to Y/n and Max and handed them their ice creams as I sat down next to Y/n. As I licked my cone I watched out of the corner of my eye as Max took his bowl and scooped out a big spoonful and brought it to his mouth. I snickered as Max's eyes grew wide and he broke out into a coughing fit.

"Are you ok!?" Y/n asked worried as Max spit out some of his ice-cream onto the grass. I guess he didn't like the taste of wasabi, I thought to myself as I kept licking my chocolate cone.

"Im fine." Max squeaked out as he grabbed his plastic water bottle from his bag and took a big gulp of that before immediately spitting it out and starting to cough again. Oh, I forget to mention that I had switched his bottle of water with a bottle of white vinegar earlier in the day.

"Max, maybe you should go home. You don't seem to be doing so well." Y/n said worried.

"I think Y/n is right. You should probably go home." I said as I faked a look of concern. Max's face took on a panicked look as he began feverishly shaking his head.

"I'm fine." he stated but Yn wasn't listening.

"Go home for today Max. We can always hang out some other time." She said. Oh no. A thought seemed to cross Max's mind as his face turned into one of triumph as he wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulder and smiled at her.

"Of course. We are friends after all so we will have plenty of times to hangout." he said as he shot me a triumphant look. I glared at him over Y/n's shoulder as I silently mouthed every curse word I knew.

Max left shortly after that but not before giving Y/n this big hug that made my blood boil as their body were pressed so closely together. Tomo's car pulled up and I hopped into the passenger seat as Y/n climbed into the front.

"How did it go? Did you guys have fun?" Tomo asked.

"We did, but Max had to leave early because he wasn't feeling well." Y/n said sadly. I could just barely see the glimmer of happiness streak across Tomo's face at her words before it disappeared into concern.

"I'm sorry about that." Tomo said.

"Its fine. We decided to hang out some other time." Y/n said and there it was: anger and worry. It was there one second and gone the next. Tomo was an expert at hiding his emotions but I always saw what he was desperately trying to hide. The fear and the worry that overtook his face every morning when Y/n left for school was hidden from all but my eyes. I knew my brother best as I was sure he felt the same about me. We have no secrets from each other which is probably why we make such a good team.

The car pulled up to the house and Y/n ran up to her room to do homework while Tomo pulled me to the garage.

"I thought you were going to get rid of him." Tomo growled as he took the fake backpack from me and handed me back my real one.

"I tried." I murmured. "He was just too resilient. It's like whatever I did he just didn't care. I even went as far as to put thumb tacks in his shoes and he just walked it off."

"Did he know it was you doing it?" He asked.

"Most definitely. He just didn't care."

Tomo leaned against the garage wall deep in thought. He unconsciously bit at his lower lip as he dragged his fingers through his blonde hair, pulling at the thin strands. He foot tapped on the concrete floor as I stood there in silence watching him, his face barely illuminated by the white light of the hanging bulb.

"He can't have our Y/n." I finally heard him mutter under his breath as he stood up and straigtened out his hair. "We will leave the kid alone for now but if he shows any signs of coming between us and Y/n then we will have to deal with him like how we dealt with that Bill guy." I felt my face light up with glee at the idea as my eyes wandered to the locked chest in the corner that contained my mangled baseball bat. Tomo saw where my eyes wandered and he pushed me away as he led me back into the house.

"Not yet." he muttered as we entered the house and each went up to our own rooms.

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