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A bright pink dress. I got to school that tuesday morning and there was Abby standing outside my classroom holding a bright pink dress. When she saw me her eyes lit up as she ran to me and looped her arm around mine as she dragged me to the woman restroom.

"I can't wear this!" I screamed as she pushed me and the dress into one of the stalls. The dress was bubblegum pink and although it was extremely soft in my hands the abundance of bows and thrills decorating its exterior brought to life images of gaudy performers and sickly sweet cotton candy. It was a circus dress is what it was.

"Put it on! Trust me. You'll look great." Abby called from behind the door. I sighed loudly as I didn't want to upset my new friend by refusing. I slipped off my jean jacket, shirt, and pants and pulled the dress over my head. It felt so wrong the way it clung to my upper chest and then became loose and boxy at the shoulders and waist. I tried to put on a smile, as I knew Abby was only trying to help, and opened the stall door only to be met by an eruption of laughter as Abby stood there giggling and snorting.

"You look like a freak!" She screeched between giggles. "I can't believe you actually put it on!" I felt my face grow hot as I stood there waiting for her laughter to die down. Was she making fun of me? Was this a joke? She must have seen my concerned expression because she quickly reached into her backpack and pulled out a different dress. This one was a silky blue with short sleeves and a ruffled skirt. She handed the dress to me and I stormed back into the stall to change only to emerge seconds later in the blue dress. When Abby saw me she fawned over me as she started playing with my hair before pushing me in front of the bathroom mirror to see my reflection. I must admit I looked good. The dress was snug in all the right places and loose at the skirt. I pulled my jean jacket on over the dress and was surprised by how well the image suit me.

"You can keep that." Abby said as she gently swayed in front of the door. "It looks much better on you."

"Thanks." I muttered, not quite looking at her as my eyes were fixed on the stranger in the mirror. I had no idea just a simple dress could change a persons look so much I probably would've stayed there all day if it wasn't for the ringing of the bell which sent Abby bolting out of the door having a puff of smoke in her place. I giggled as I followed suit and upon entering the room I immediately felt all eyes on me as I uncomfortably slinked to my seat. I can't wait for this day to end.

Hiro pov.

I can't wait for this day to end. The school day never seemed so long as it did today as I sat rocking back and forth on my desk chair as the teacher droned on about matters that didn't concern me. Tomo had promised to pick me up early today so I could 'prepare'. I was going to be accompanying Y/n and that boy Max today and he wanted to make sure I knew exactly what to do to get in the way. I didn't need his coaching but I appreciate the help. You have no idea how much Tomo has done for me over the past few years. He is always helping to cover up my little mistakes.

Just then the loud speaker flickers on and my name is being called. I quickly pack my things and head to the office where Tomo is waiting for me. He signs me out and takes me to the car where he takes my school bag from me and hands me another identical bag. I look at him confused until I unzip the bag and look at all the goodies inside. Oh, so thats what he wants me to do. I smile mischievously as I quickly close the bag and set it down next to me as the car starts up and we are driving to Y/n's school. We arrive just as class is getting out and I can see Y/n exiting the building. Only something is different. Y/n is wearing a dress! I look at Tomo and he is equally as surprised as I watch him try to gather her composure as she walks up to the car. Tomo unlocks the door for her and she slides into the seat next to him. As she does so her dress rides up a little so for like a millisecond I could see her underwear! I quickly look away as I am sure my cheeks are burning red and I try to distract myself by counting down from ten.

"Hiro I need you to behave today, ok?" Y/n says in the front seat. I lock eyes with Tomo in the rearview mirror and wink before facing Y/n and giving her my best closed eye smile.

"Of course! We are going to have so much fun! I can't wait to hang out with this Max guy!" I said and Y/n smiled at me sweetly as she turned to face the front. Soon we were parked outside the shopping center and Y/n and I hoped out as Tomo waved goodbye and sped away. As soon as we were out of the car my eyes scanned the area looking for this Max guy and I found him standing over in the shade. Before Y/n could see him I ran at him and jumped up onto his back causing him to yelp in fight and fall to his knees.

"HIRO! What are you doing!?" Y/n yelled as she pulled me off the boys back.

"I just wanted to give him a hug." I said shyly as Y/n released me and went to help Max up.

"I'm so sorry about my brother. He's a bit overly friendly." She said.

"Its fine." said Max. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you could come." So he says but I could tell by the way he stood that I had actually managed to hurt him a bit. Lucky me!

I made sure to stand between the two as we walked around the shopping center. Once or twice I swore I saw Max trying to reach out to hold Y/n's hand and each time he did I would yell something and frighten him. On the fourth time I got a bit fed up so when I was sure Y/n wasn't looking I stepped on his toe causing him to yelp. If he didn't know I was out to get him before he definitely knew now as he shot me an angry glare. I simply smiled at him as I reached out and clung to Y/n's arm. I wonder how long it will take this guy to break? Either way I am going to make sure to make this day a living hell for him.

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