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Your pov.

The burger place was packed so we had to wait awhile for a table. While we waited Tomo suggested that we go walk around since it isn't very often that we spend time in the downtown shopping center. Hiro immediately ran off to a nearby toy store while Tomo stood in the entrance of a music store watching the music video for some new age pop idol play on the flatscreen. Meanwhile I sat on a bench a little ways away from he two of them playing with my phone. I was still waiting for a text from Max and I was starting to worry it may never come. Maybe he didn't actually like me and just came and talked to me to be nice. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case considering how invisible I am at school. I can't really imagine anyone wanting to be friends with me. I sigh loudly as a person comes to stand in front of me. I look up expecting to see one of my brothers but am instead greeted by a beautiful blonde girl about my age. She has long blonde curls and deep brown eyes that contrast nicely with her place skin. She is wearing a bubblegum pink dress with black leggings and white boots and her hair is pulled back in a high ponytail.

"I know you!" She exclaims excitedly.

"Really? You do?" I ask confused. She gives me this big closed eye smile and nods her head.

"You go to my school. You are in the class next to mine. My names Abby by the way." She's extends her hand and I shake it gingerly. Why is this girl talking to me? She looks way to pretty and popular to want to hang out with me.

"I hope you don't mind but I was wondering if we could exchange numbers." She says.


"Because I want to be friends with you."


"Because you seem cool."

I take a moment to process the information before speaking again.

"I'm not cool." I mutter as I shift my gaze down to my phone. She looks at me awkwardly she shifts around.

"Do you not want to be my friend? I'm new here and I could really use a friend."

"Oh so thats it. You know if you want friends you can do a lot better than me. Any of the girls in your own class would work just fine."

"But I don't like any of the girls in my class." She whines as she unexpectedly sits down next to me. "They are loud and whiney and all they seem to care about is themselves. You're different. You seem nice and down to earth so I wanted to be friends. Is that a no?" I look back and forth between my pone and her shining brown eyes before groaning loudly and turning on the device to show her my caller ID. She smiles and types my number into her phone. A second later I get a text.

I can't wait to be friends with you - Abby

I smile down at the text before looking up at her and her beaming brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you Abby. My name is Y/n." I say as I extend my hand again which she shakes wildly.

"Oh this is going to be so much fun. Starting tomorrow you are eating lunch with me, understand? I'll go meet you in your classroom and I'll bring a bunch of cookies for us to share!"

"I can't wait." I mumble as she quickly leans over and gives me a big hug before jumping to her feet and waving goodbye. I watch her leave with a beating heart and a huge smile plastered on my face. Did I just make....a friend? I can't get rid of my smile as my little brother Hiro approaches me with a confused look.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks.

"Nothing." I mutter.

"Did you finally get a text from that boy!?" 

"No." He sighs in relief. Why is he relieved? I brush it off as Tomo approaches us and tells us that our table is ready. We eat lunch in idle chit chat as I am mostly silent. I can't believe that I just made a friend. A part of me wants to scream it from the rooftops and tell everyone but I am worried about what Tomo will say. He has always been overly protective and is quick to judge people. I don't want him telling me that our relationship is make and that she is just making fun of me. I already know that that might be the case but I still want to believe Abby is an honest and nice girl. She definitely didn't seem like the bullying type.

On the carried home I receive a text and I look down expecting to see its from abby but instead its from an unknown number.

I'm so happy we got to meet again. I am living in the city right now if you want to hang out. I would really like to spend some time with you. - Max

I look down at the text in awe as I quickly unlock my phone to reply.

I would love to meet up. When do you have time? -Y/n

How does this Tuesday after school sound? We can walk around downtown. - Max

I would love to. I'll meet you downtown after school. - Y/n

Can't wait. - Max

By now I am a smiling mess and have attracted the attention of Hiro who is staring at me from the backseat.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks suspiciously.

"I'm not telling." I tease.

"Tell me!" Hiro screams causing an irritated tic to appear on the forehead of Tomo who is driving.

"If you really must know, I am going to be hanging out with Max this tuesday after school."

"I am coming with you!" Was Hiro's immediate reply.

"You can't, Hiro. You need to go home with Tomo."

"Actually...." Tomo began. "I am going to be busy with work on tuesday so I was wondering if you could watch him."

"But I'm busy."

"You are just going to be downtown. Can't you bring him with you? I'm sure Max won't mind."

I looked from Tomo to Hiro who was giving me these big puppy dogs eyes. I sighed.

"Fine." I muttered as I pull out my phone to text Max, completely missing the look Tomo and Hiro exchanged.

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