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Y/n pov
How long had it been since Abby had stopped coming to school? One week? Two? People were starting to get worried. Concerned teachers had questioned me several times on her whereabouts but I never had anything to say. I didn't know where she was. A lot of people thought she ran away but I never fully believed that. Would she really just leave without saying anything? Maybe our friendship didn't mean that much to her after all.
I was laying about in my room thinking of Abby when my phone rang. I checked the caller id and it was Max. I had been chatting with him on and off for awhile but kinda stopped when Abby went missing. What can I say. I was depressed.
"Hello?" I answered the call.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine, why?"
"I heard about Abby. I knew she was your friend. Are you sure you are okay?"
"I'm fine. She probably just ran off with her boyfriend or something."
".......you didn't hear?"
"Hear what?"
"Y/n........they found a body."
For a minute all was quiet as I felt the world stop spinning and the beat of my heart come to a quick halt.
"What?" I asked.
"They found a body in the lake. They don't know for sure that it's her but they are pretty positive."
Time stopped as it quickly became more and more difficult to take in air.
"Are you okay?" Max asked on the other side of the line, his voice laced with genuine concern.
"I'm fine." I croaked. "I just need some air. I'll call you later."
Before he could answer I hung up the phone and ran to the window which I pulled open quickly and stuck my head out of as I took fast, desperate breaths. I didn't matter if our relationship was fake. She was my only friend, the only one who ever showed interest in me, and now she was gone.
"You don't know for sure, Y/n. It could be someone else" I muttered to myself but on the inside I knew. There was no one else. It had to be her.
"Y/n, are you okay?" A soft voice asked me and I turned around to see Hiro standing in the doorway. I didn't say anything and burst into tears. Hiro panicked and rushed forward as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I cried into his shoulder as I returned the hug, wrapping my arms around his smaller body.
"It ok, Y/n. Everything is okay." Hiro sighed as he brushed through my hair with one hand while rubbing circles on my back with the other. I let my tears soak through Hiros shoulder as I cried pitifully. I felt awful seeking comfort from my younger brother like this but I couldn't help it. My emotions were betraying  me.

Hiro pov.
Tomo and I's plan was going perfectly. If I'm being honest, I prefer to see Y/n happy but I don't mind her being sad, especially when she is clinging to me like this. I'm the younger brother so it is rare that she shows me vulnerability like this.
I rub circles on her back to soothe her as I pet her hair. Her warm tears soak through my shirt and dampen my shoulder. I swear I am never washing this shirt ever again. If I could I would stay like this with her forever but eventually I hear her pace of breath soften as the sobbing quiets down. A few minutes later and she pulls away from me. There is a soft smile on her face as she tries to reassure me that she's fine but the red puffiness under her eyes say otherwise. I continue to take pleasure in the moment  as I wipe some stray tears from her cheeks.
"Are you alright?" I ask calmly and she slowly nods as she tries to push herself away from me and stand up. At first I hold on because I don't want to see her go but I eventually lessen my grip and allow her to leave my side.
"I'm feeling a bit tired. I think I'm going to go to bed early." She says with a soft smile. I smile back and nod as she stands up and climbs into her bed. I stand there awkwardly by the window, unsure as to whether I should leave and wanting nothing more but to stay. Eventually, however, I climb to my feet as I exit the quiet room and step out into the hall. Tomo is standing there with a glum look on his face. He was probably listening in to the whole thing.
"I hate it when she cries." He mutters. He won't look at me. I think he is jealous.
"Give it a week and she'll be fine." I say as I turn to walk past him but he remains standing in my way.
"What about the boy?"
"What boy?" I ask.
"The Max boy. Are we going to get rid of him too?"
"He's not a threat at the moment." I mutter.
"I rather get rid of him now before she becomes too attached." He says. Tomo has this distant look in his eyes as he stares at the wall. I'm not going to lie: killing Abby did something to him. I don't know what but he has changed. Whether that change is for better or worse I can't say.
"Let's wait for this whole Abby thing to pass and the we'll discuss it." I say as I push pass him and enter my room. I quietly close the door behind me before collapsing on my bed. It had gone exactly as planned but it was better than I could've ever imagined. Having Y/n cling to me was an entirely new sensation and it was one that I crazed deeply. If only she would always be like that. If that were the case then I wouldn't mind seeing her cry a few more times.
I carefully removed my shirt and smelled the wet spot where Y/ns tears had soaked through. No surprise, it smelt of salt mixed with a tiny whiff of her lavender face wash. I carefully folded the shirt and stuck it in a zip lock bag before sliding in my secret hiding spot under my bed headboard where I kept the rest of my Y/n collectibles. Things like an old clothes and trashed homework assignments were like little treasures to me. The best gifts of all came in the form of used goods such as toothbrushes and combs which I kept well organized and well hidden. Even Tomo doesn't know about my little collection. I trust the man with my life but sometimes I wonder if sharing real is the best option. I don't want to have to get rid of my own brother but if need be I am not entirely against the idea.

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