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"Hiro did you grab your lunch?" I ask as I finish packing my bag. Its Saturday and as per our family tradition we will be spending the day out of the house. Usually we just go to the beach or to a park or something but both my brothers were in a really good mood this week and they wanted to go to an amusement park. I hadn't gone to one since I was a kid so I wasn't against the idea. Hiro was so excited that he was running circles around the kitchen.

"Why do we need to pack a lunch? Can't we just buy food there?" Hiro asks as he finally comes to a stop.

"The food at amusement parks are unhealthy and expensive. It's better to just bring something."

"You're such a mom." Mutters Tomo as he enters the kitchen. For some reason he is dressed nicer than usaul. Instead of a simple t-shirt and sweats he is wearing a new pair of blue jeans and a button shirt with a black leather jacket. His hair is also combed back and his face appears freshly washed. I stand staring at him for a few seconds in disbelief as he shifts awkwardly under my gaze.

"What?" he asks.

"Whats with the outfit? You look nice."

"Is it so wrong for me to dress nicely for a change?"

"Nothing wrong with it. I like it. You look cool."

Tomo smirks at me and walks over to ruffle my hair. I quickly bat his hand away before he can do too much damage and put away our lunchs. It takes a good ten minutes to get Hiro calm enough to get in the car and then once we start driving the time just flies and we are at the park in a matter of minutes. Hundreds of cars are packed into the parking lot and there is a huge crowd standing outside the gates. As we approach the crowd I feel a hand snake into mine and look down to see Hiro holding me tightly.

"I don't want you to get lost!" he yells over the noise of the crowd. He's talking so loudly that some people turn to look at us and give us awkward looks before turning back to face the gates. We make our way to the gates and as soon as we enter Hiro releases my hand and takes off running to the nearest attraction which just so happens to be a huge merry-go-round. 

"Hiro, don't run off on your own!" I yell as I try to run after him but Tomo pulls me back.

"He's fine." He says. "He's not a little kid. He can manage on his own."

Tomo then pulls me to a nearby bench and orders me to sit down while he walks over and says something to Hiro. Hiro momentarily looks away from the ride to glance back at me and then Tomo before smiling widely and nodding his head. Tomo smiles in return and walks back to me as he sits down next to me on the bench.

"What did you say to him?" I ask as I watch Hiro climb onto the ride.

"I told him not to run off and that we will be over here if he needs us. I figure that this is a big park and I really don't want to spend the whole day chasing after him. So we'll wait for him to finish here and then we will go on to the next thing."

I nod in understanding and return my attention to the ride as the music starts up and the mechanical horses start rocking up and down while the carousel spins. Hiro appears to be the oldest kid on the ride but despite that he also appears to be having the most fun out of all the kids. He smiles wide and waves at us as he flys by, the ride growing faster and faster with each passing second.

"Do you remember our last trip to this amusement park?" Tomo asks as he keeps his gaze and the carousel.

"Back when we went with mom and dad?" I ask. He nods. "I remember it vaguely. That was a long time ago back when Hiro was still a toddler."

"I think he was already three but I know what you mean. Back then mom and dad were having such a god awful time keeping track of the three of us. They were so concentrated on Hiro that they forgot you on one of the rides and left you there. You were lost for a good hour before the park security found you crying in the bathroom."

"Really!? Are you sure this happened because I don't remember any of this."

"It happened. I remember being so mad."


"No I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at mom and dad for losing you. I was so scared that we wouldn't be able to find you and would have to leave without you."

"That wouldn't have happened. They would've shut down and searched the whole park before ever going home without me."

"I know that now but back then I was very worried."

"Well I'm sorry for worrying you." I say, half-jokingly. Tomo hums in response as Hiro comes running up to us with that same huge smile.

"Where to next!?" He yells as he grabs me by the hand and pulls me off the bench. I stumble to my feet as Hiro is already pulling me to the next ride but he stops when he hears some people calling his name.

"Hiro! Over here!" 

I look in the direction of the voices and see a group of girls about Hiro's age waving to him a little ways away.

"Hiro are those your friends?" I ask. Hiro's smile is gone and is replaced by a deep scowl as he grips my hand tighter and trys to pull me away. I hold my ground and stay standing as the group of squeling girls approach us. 

"Hi Hiro! I didn't know you would be here today. Do you want to hang out with us?"

There is a long pause as Hiro stays deadly quiet while gripping the side of my shirt like a child.

"What's wrong Hiro? Are you being shy?" One of the girls ask. Hiro still says nothing as he pulls me closer and buries his face into side of my shirt. I can feel his hot breathe on my side as his breathing quickens and his hands tremble slightly.

"Hiro, whats wrong?" I whisper concerned but I'm not sure if he heard me over the noise of the crowd. Tomo takes notice of Hiros behaviour and steps in between us and the group of girls while he flashes them his most charming smile.

"I'm sorry girls but I didn't think Hiro is feeling his best right now. I think he would appreciate some space." He says. The girls seemed downcast but they smile and nod sympathetically all the same.

"We understand."

"Feel better Hiro!" They say as they start walking away in a different direction. Once they are gone I pull Hiro to a less crowded area and the two of us sit done together on a bench while Tomo hovers protectively over us.

"Hiro whats wrong?" I ask again and this time he hears me as he raises his head to look up at me with his big blue eyes.

"It's family day." He says simply, a slight tremble in his voice.

"Yes, and?"

"Family day is meant for just family." He mutters as he buries his face back into my clothes. I rub the back of his head while I hum in understanding. I didn't realize how much this day meant to him or how important it was for him to have it be just us. Spending saturdays together as a family meant a lot to me too but I guess it meant more to Hiro especially since he was so young when mom and dad left us so suddenly. I still remember waking up that next morning and seeing their bags and clothes gone and their car not sitting in the driveway. Hiro was brave at that time and never cried or complained as Tomo did his best to take care of us but maybe it had more of an impact on him then he let on.

I slowly pull Hiros face away from my shirt and give him a small kiss on the forehead. 

"The rest of the day will be just us." I say. "I promise."

"Really?" Hiro asks unsure.

"Of course but you better Hiro and get up if you want to ride all the rides by the end of the day." I tease as Hiro quickly gets up and pulls himself together. He smiles at me and Tomo before taking both of our hands and leading us to the next ride. 

"The days not over yet." He says.

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