Hiro Ending

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It started a few weeks after coming here when Tomo started bringing to his room a night. He would come to my room after Hiro had fallen asleep and unchain me before carrying me off to his bed. The first time he came for me I shook with fear and, even though he didnt do anything bad to me, it still scared me awfully those few times he came to me in the night. As a result I didnt sleep and took frequent naps throughout the day which Hiro must have taken notice of as he took on the habit of trying to keep me active and awake during the day.

"Are you tired Y/n?" Hiro asked as I slowly batted my eyes open. I had once again fallen asleep on the couch while watching a movie. This was the third time I had dozed off that day and I could tell that Hiro was getting worried.

"I'm fine." I whispered just barely loud enough for him to hear. He nodded in understanding and smiled but he didnt seem convinced. As I tried to stay awake and watch the movie I noticed Hiros eyes keep darting over towards where Tomo stood in the kitchen making dinner. The smell of cooking meat slowly filled the room as I could hear the sizzling of beef fat in the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" Hiro asked as he saw me looking towards the ktchen. I nodded shyly and he quickly stood up and ran to the kitchen before returning seconds later with some bread.

"If you feed her now she wont be hungry for dinner later." Tomo warned, a slight annoyed edge in his voice. Hiro simply growled at Tomo before turning and smiling at me as he handed me the bread. I took it thankfully and began chewing on the crust while Hiro stared at me. I tried to ignore the fact that his eyes were glued on my face but it was a difficult thing to not notice.

"I'm worried about you." He said at last. I looked over at him as he gave me the most pitiful face full of worry and concern.

"I'm fine." I whispered again. If it had been a few weeks prior then I would have broken down in tears an dbegged for him to let me leave but I had learned by now that it didnt matter how concerned he was about me, he still wouldnt let me leave. 

As I turned my attention back to the movie I felt an arm wrap around the back of my shoulder as Hiro wrapped me tightly with a nearby blanket before snuggling into my side. At times like this I almost forgot I wastrapped here againts my will. It all felt so normal to me now.

Time skip:

Around midnight I was awakened by the sound of movement in my room. I knew who it was before opening my eyes and tried my hardest to feign sleep but it didnt work and I soon felt Tomo undo the chain and lift me from my bed.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked as the lights flicked on in my room. I opened my eyes to see Tomo standing over me and Hiro standing in the doorway of my room.

"Just checking on her." Tomo said slowly as he lowered me back down into the covers.

"Why'd you unchain her?" Hiro asked, an angry scowl forming on his face.

"I thought the chain would be uncomfortable." Tomo said. Hiro thought it over for a second before walking over and retying the chain to my ankle.

"She's fine." He muttered. "You dont need to check up on her." His voice was calm but you could see the anger in his eyes as he pulled the blankets back up over me before truning and heading out the door.

"I need to talk to you downstairs, brother." Hiro said. I looked at Tomo with concern for I could see the hatred in Hiros eyes and Tomo must have saw it too for he visibly swalloed before turning and following him out of the room. Hiro flashed me a smile and turned off the light before closing the door behind him. I sat up in bed with my mind racing in worry. 'Would they be alright?' I thought to myslef. At that moment I realized that Hiro hadnt locked the bedroom door. I woulve heard the lock click shut if he had. I looked down at me leg and gasped. He didnt lock the chain either. I slipped the chain off me foot and walked over to the door, taking in a deep breath, I twisted the door handle and the door slid open with ease. 'Did he do this on purpose?' I thought as I followed the sound of voices downstairs.

Hiro Pov.

I knew what Tomo had beed doing at night and frankly I was not pleased. We had made a promise that we would share her both equally and Tomo had broken that promise. He needed to be punished.

"What do you want?" Tomo asked nervoucly as I led him downstairs to the kitchen. I made a motion for him to wait there while I opened up one of the cupboards and pulled out my old baseball bat. The wood still red with dried blood.

"W-what that's for?" Tomo asked, his voice laced with worry and a little bit of fear that he tried to hide with a straight face.

"You broke our promise. You need to be punished." I said calmly. Tomo took one look at me and one look at the bat in my hand and he bolted but I quickly cut off before he got to the stairs.

"DONT RUN FROM ME!" I screamed as I brought the bat down on him just barely missing his head as he dodged and the bat slammed into the wall. It left a large hole as I pulled it out and made aim at Tomo again.

"STOP IT HIRO!" Tomo screamed at me as he picked up a nearby chair as cover. I swung the bat at him and it got caught in the legs of the chair as I struggled to twist it free.

"YOU DONT DESERVE HER!" I yelled at him. "YOU DOT TREAT HER RIGHT! YOU DONT CARE ABOUT HER WELL BEING!" I managed to pry the bat loose and quickly swung it at Tomo's leg where he yelped in pain and crumbled onto the floor holding his broked leg. I smiled down at him as I swung the bat down into his side again and again and again. Ths ound of breaking bone and screaming filled the room as my face was splattered with blood. I kept hitting him untill eveantually the bat broke at which point I sighed and put it down.

"H-Hiro?" A sweet voice called to me and I turnd to see Y/n standing at the top of the stairs, fear spread across her face as she stared down at Tomos mangled body. I quickly ran to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders as I pulled her face close to mine.

"It's ok." I said as I brushed her hair calmly. "Everything is fine."

I took her by the arm and led her back to her bed where we both crawled in together.

"A-are y-you okay?" Y/n asked as she wiped some of the blood from my face. I beamed at her concern as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I am now." I said happily as I squeezed her close. In all honesty I was unsure on whether Tomo was dead or not but I didnt care. If he was dead then I would have Y/n to myself and if he was not....well he learned his lesson about touching things that weren't his.

Authors note: He's definitly dead.

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