Chapter 1

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(A/N): I know that people haven't written these fan-fics in a while but in my opinion, good books never expire so I WRITE!!!  This is more for me to enjoy but if you decide to read this... Thanks☺️!
I wake to the sound of my alarm. A small bit of excitement comes to me, as I realize what day it is. I enjoy scaring the initiates. They have no idea what's ahead of them. I hear banging on my door and quickly recognize the voice of my best friend- Zeke. He barges in with his right hand covering his eyes and his left hand guiding him through my room.
"You aren't naked. Are you?" he shouts.
"Only one way to find out," I reply.
He slowly cracks his fingers open and sighs in relief, when he sees me half dressed. He drops his hands.
"You better hurry up. We have to be at the net in half an hour."
I must've slept in. I quickly finish getting dressed and run into the cafeteria with Zeke. I grab a muffin and break it in half. Zeke snatches the bigger half and I shrug. He is so playful. I would punch him if we weren't so close. His little brother is one of the initiates. His name is Uriah. I won't be training him, though. I'm in charge of the transfers. Lauren wanted to take the Dauntless-Borns. It's a good thing. They aren't as easily scared as the transfers.
"Ooh! Ooh! I wanna see who jumps first!" Zeke shouted loud enough to make me flinch.
"Fine," I say with a groan.
"I bet Uriah will be the first jumper," Zeke yells.
"No way," I recognized Lauren's voice, "Your brother is a wimp. I know it will be a Dauntless-Born, though."
I shake my head at them. "Who do you think it will be, Four?"
"I can't say."
"Why not?" They have eager looks on their faces.
"Because I don't know the names of any Abnegation transfers." Lauren and Zeke start laughing crazily. I knew that would be their reaction.
"I'll tell you what," Laurent starts to say," Let's make a bet. If a Stiff falls from the sky, we both owe you $25. If any other person jumps, you owe each of us $25. Deal?" I nod. I'm friends with Lauren but she drives me out of my mind. Everyone stops talking. I hear a scream- a girl. I can't make out the faction. Who is it?
(A/N): EEEEEKKK!!! So excited to bring in Tris! Thanks for reading
Happy Valentines Day!

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