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Valentine's Day isn't about candlelit dinners with significant others. it's about loving yourself as much as you possibly can. it's about channeling love towards the parts of yourself that are broken or repulsive to you. it's about submerging yourself in warm bubble baths, rubbing moisturizing forgiveness into your skin, and whispering sweet nothings to your psyche–"you're enough. you're loved. you're unstoppable." ♡ take this day as an opportunity to indulge in sleep, hydration, cathartic activities, self-love, and self-care. after all...

you are the love of your own life. 

you are your soulmate. 

your body is your ride-or-die 


the one being 

that's guaranteed 

to accompany you

until the day you die.

it's the thing that 

carries you, 

protects you, 

ungrudgingly supports you 

even when you pummel it 

with slurs 

and other forms of maltreatment. 

your body loves you unconditionally. 

take time to love it back!

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