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Dear readers,

YOU made my dreams come true!

Thanks to YOUR unwavering support and encouragement, I've been writing more often and more creatively than I have in ages!

Because of YOU, I realized my life-long dream of self-publishing a poetry book, Bloom!
My baby appears in online bookstores such as Barnes & Noble.

There are countless wattpad authors (like YOU) who are much more worthy of publication than me. I encourage you to share your gift with the world! To raise your voice about what matters!

Don't fall into the trap of believing that publishing deals are the only track to success. Be your own publisher. Use free self-publishing services like Smashwords to disseminate your work online.

I believe in YOU and your talent. Do you?

With love,

Free Bloom download:
https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/753232 (link in comment)
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"Bloom: Expanded Edition" or "Lexy Courneya" on Smashwords

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