Ch. 4: Preparation

Start from the beginning

"Yes?" Nes spoke up.

He looked over to see (Y/n) gazing around the base.

"Is that (Y/n)?" His current business with the small group of men was cut short as he walked away to greet the young girl.

"It is, sir."

Nes smiled walking up to her, extending a hand to her. "Commander Nes, Miss (Y/n)."

She shook his hand and smiled back. "Nice to meet you, commander. I guess Nana Rose spoke to you already?"

"Rose and my relatives go way back, consider me your cousin." He laughed, "But yes, she did, and we're very excited to have you here."

"Well, I'm excited to be here sir. I just want to help."

Nes wrapped an arm around her walking deeper into the building. "That's great! I'm very excited to meet you actually. I've heard an awful lot about your brother and you. Greatest demon hunters since the very beginning."

"It runs in the family."

"I agree. I hope that the base so far is to your liking. Our great-great-great grandfathers actually help establish this one together."

"Get out of town, you don't say." She looked up at the ceiling seeing it went about 5 floors high.

"The base actually circles around the capital building."

"That castle," She sighed. "I've studied history books and that in the middle of a city is just an eye-sore."

"Mr. Dark is a fan of class and style."

"And this comes in the form of a building we haven't used in over a thousand years in the middle of a concrete jungle?"

"Well, until now." Nes laughed. "Let me show you to your courters. The ball is in a day and we have almost everything prepared for you."

"What do you even have for me?"

They began walking down a narrow hallway with a room at the end of it.

"We've studied as much as we could about Dark and his famous events. Though this is the most dangerous, it's also the easiest way to get close to him. He always carries around his staff. He won't expect any human to get inside let alone take the staff. It's like taking candy from a baby."

"Except this baby is an all-powerful demon who's in charge of everything right now."

"Okay so taking candy from a really big baby."

The entered the room at the end. It opened up to an apartment style home. It was snug in the corner, just for her.

(Y/n) wondered inside looking around her. The living room and kitchen were attached with one bedroom and bathroom. "You went out of your way, didn't you?"

"That, and I stay here from time to time when I'm working on projects. You'll only be here a short time, but I wanted to be sure you'll be comfortable."

"Makes sense." She looked over at him. "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. We're honored to even have you here. If you'll excuse me though, I must get back to other matters. They should be bringing your stuff inside at any moment now. You can stay here or wander around the base, but I highly recommend you stay INSIDE the base. Nana Rose has told me about your ventures."

"The city is a different playground. I'm going to play my cards right, don't worry."


Dark held his arms out as a man with measuring tape made sure all his measurements were correct. He stood facing a mirror, thinking deeply about the ball that was happening the next afternoon. Something had him on edge though.

The door behind him opened up, with Die walking in and shutting it behind him.

"Ah, Die, what brings you here?"

"Just wanted to chat for a bit." He sat down on a seat behind Dark picking up a book on the table next to him. "Did you start on those 'complaints' yet?"

"Those will be dealt with AFTER tomorrow night. I do not want to be working on that when there is still so much left to do now."

"And what do you still have to do?"

"Well, if you must know-" Dark lowered his arms as the man began to measure his pants. "- I plan on talking to the head of city security."

"Nervous about something?"

"Come now, Mors, every year I do the same thing. Even if I was nervous about something, I'd—"

"You're nervous about your announcement."

Dark paused, then looked down at the man near his legs. "Steven, a moment please."

"Yes, sir." The man stood up and left with his supplies.

Dark turned to Die. "Die, how long have you known me?"

"Since the beginning."

"And did you ever know me to be a nervous person?"

"Very few times."

"By the tone of your voice you sound more nervous about my announcement than I do, don't you agree?"

"Yes, I'm nervous, but at least I admit to it, Dark." He stared him deeply in his eyes.

"And why are you nervous, my old friend?" Dark paused. "Better yet, what can I do for you that will ease your nerves?"

Die shook his head before answering. "Call it demon's intuition... as for something you could do to help— there's nothing you can do. I just—" He looked to the side.

Dark took a deep breath. He has fought side by side with Die in the great war. He knew the everlasting effects it had on his friend, especially since Die was a demon who rarely liked to kill. He was a different demon, but a demon all the same, and someone he had lived around for hundreds of years.

"Can I be honest with you, Mors?" Dark walked over to a window, looking out at the view.

"Of course you can."

"I know how you feel about the Great War, and your thoughts on killing living things, despite giving every reason to do such. Since you are a dear friend of mine I'll give you this promise. Any living organism captured between now and — let us say— New Year's Eve won't be killed."

"It's a start," Die spoke under his breath. "Alright, Dark, I appreciate the thought. You're trying, and for me, so that's all that matters."

"Wonderful, I hope you'll enjoy this year's theme at the ball."

"Masquerade? I always wanted to know your obsession with these— like — old times. The castle, the balls, —"

"I generally wear suits and dress shirts according to the years before the war." He argued, fixing his sleeves.

"You need to relax, Dark, at least some time."

"Oi, you're beginning to sound like Anti."

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