Chapter 7

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"So let me get this straight," Miles begins while maintaining his eyes on the road. "He recorded you at the party and threatened to send it to your brothers?"

"Yup," I nod.

"What a dick."

"Yup." I double nod. "Although I think we agreed on some form of truce but I can't really remember all the details, it's still kinda fuzzy."

"So you're friends-"

"Oh god no," I laugh. "Still hate the guy, and I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. There's just going to be less of the tormenting."

"And tell me again why you two returned to the party wet and covered in grass stains," he inquired.

A flashback of Collin and I showing back up at the party in the state we were in sends a shiver of embarrassment down my spine. Miles, who looked like he was going to kill Collin at the time, was kind enough to remove me from the area as soon as possible to avoid further embarrassment to myself. "I thought I explained all this when you dropped me home that night."

"Well you tried to explain but considering you chose to have another two cups of beer before we left, you couldn't really put your sentences together," he says.

"I was thirsty from all the running," I defend, my fingers fiddling with the sleeves of my baby blue cropped jumper. Miles parks the car in the usual spot in the school's parking lot and he waves at Derek who's just getting out of his car a few spaces up.

He pulls out the keys from the ignition and makes a move to get out but I stop him. "Wait. Do you not want to hear my story?"

"Yeah I do," he says glancing at Derek and I give a 'really?' look. "I do! I really do but the coach is telling us who got on the team first period."

"But it's club sign-up first period. Do you want me to sign you up for something for you?" I offer.

"Actually, Coach said football counts as a club."

"But we've always joined the same club together," I pout. We've joined a new club together every year since we were freshmen, we can't break that streak now. Unless there's some way I can join the football team then it doesn't look like we'll be carrying our tradition.

"I know, I know. I'll make it up to you," he says, taking my hand in his and pressing a quick kiss against my knuckles. "I promise."

* * * *

Archery club?

Nah. I'd probably take someone's eye out.


Wouldn't be any fun without Miles.

Chess club?

That's an actual thing?


Not in this lifetime.

I stroll through the bustling gym, observing the large selection of stalls designated to different clubs. Derek gave Miles an almost 100% guarantee that he made the team so there's no point in me signing him up for anything.

It's a school requirement at Westview High to join a minimum of one club per year. This year I have a hard time finding a club I'm interested in, especially when most of the fun clubs are something you'd join along with a friend like dance club and drama. I begin to lose hope until I spot a new stall that wasn't here in previous years. I look up at the sign above and in big blue fancy writing is says: 'Photography club'.

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