ii. Anything Can Happen

Start from the beginning

           As the warm water rained down on me and my hands massaged shampoo into my scalp, the first of the memories that that stuck out was the dead body. The reasoning behind that was almost far too obvious, and just the thought of that poor severed girl made me want to puke. However, the second memory was a little simpler but a whole lot more shocking. It was just one phrase on a loop, simply Stiles telling me I looked good in anything. That one, unlike the dead body image, made my insides warm. It was concerning how his comment seemed to make me absentmindedly smile as I washed in the shower. Never before had I ever really taken his comments like that all the way to heart. There had been a few occasions where he complimented my appearance, but it was usually a fleeting thought about it. 

          But now ... now I seemed to focus on it, my mind fixating on the few words. One comment like that from my best friend, and suddenly I was melting. It was weird, and I was definitely unable to identify what that feeling even was.

           As the water began turning cold, I realized that that was the least of my problems right now. The thoughts of running late to school seemed to crash every other thought out my mind, prompting me to quickly shut the water off and stepped into the steamy bathroom. I fumbled for a few moments, the water in my eyes causing me to blink rapidly as I tried feeling around for one of the towels that I knew was lying on a rack. Finally my fingers met the warm terry cloth and I quickly wiped my eyes before wrapping it around my body, which was beginning to shiver at the rapid temperature change. After securing the big towel around me, I move over to the sink, wiping the foggy mirror with my hand.

          I didn't even bother looking in the mirror before I had my toothbrush plucked out of the little cup situated on the sink and covered with toothpaste. I lazily began brushing my teeth, finally allowing myself to look at my reflection. I had slight dark circles under my eyes, which was no doubt the result of my late night adventure. There was also some muted redness around my chin area and I sighed at the thought of eventually dealing with some sort of a breakout soon. But other than that, plus the fact that my wet hair made me look like a drowned rat at the moment, it wasn't anything so tragically bad that I couldn't work with it.

          Spitting the excess toothpaste remnants in the sink and turning on the faucet to quickly rinse the brush off, I then jammed it back in the cup while taking one final glance at myself. I sighed slightly before heading back to my room. Once I was in my room, I shut the door behind me and traipsed over to my vanity, yanking the draw open and pulling my hair dryer out. My head bobbed back and forth lightly as I quickly dried my hair, not really putting much effort in before I was left with my natural waves. Despite the fact that I was certain parts of it were still damp, I unplugged the dryer and shoved it into the drawer.

          With one of the hair ties on my wrist, I quickly tied my hair up into a high pony that looked pretty decent. Smiling while fumbling through my drawer, I quickly applied the normal amount of makeup I wore to school; a generous amount of concealer, a light dusting of eye shadow and a thin line of eyeliner, and a few strokes of mascara was all it took before I smirked at my reflection. I swiped on some lip balm before standing up straight and padding over to my closet. Ripping the door open, I glanced at the clock. I had at least another twenty minutes before I had to get ready to leave. Prepare for Mission Impossible: Clothing Edition, I thought wryly.

          After turning my room into a battle ground, I finally found the perfect outfit. After having slipped on underwear and a bra that didn't even begin to match, I slipped on a pair of dark skinny jeans, hopping up and down while trying to get the ankles to slip over my heels. On top I wore a cranberry colored halter tank and I slipped on my favorite leather jacket over that. Add a pair of black ankle boots, two rings, and a simple necklace and I was done. I grabbed my purse and took one last look in the mirror. Perfect.

Both of Us ▸ Stiles Stilinski (1)Where stories live. Discover now