"Whatever." She said, walking off with Loren and the rest of the girls trailing behind her.

I stood up and followed the guys in. Mason gave me a cold bud light. The rest of the guys were drinking miller light. Logan was putting call of duty into the game console while we all waited on it to start. As soon as the game started, we all were focused on the screen. When we play games, don't mess with us. We get in the zone.

I hope Kylie isn't too pissed at me. I'm her ride home.

Kylie's P.O.V

Was I too harsh? Maybe he was just trying to say I'm better than her so he was proud of me for giving her a taste of her own medicine.

Or was he saying I never take up for myself and he didn't think I was capable of doing it? This is just too confusing.

I heard some leaves crunching in the distance and started getting scared. No one knew I was out here. Ezra didn't even know where I went, I just left. The sound was getting closer and closer. I looked around for something to protect myself. I found a shovel in the corner of the horse stable. I picked it up and held it up above my head, ready to strike.

The sound was right in front of the stable now. I stepped out a little and was about to hit the person but was stopped by a familiar voice yelling.

"It's me Kylie! Don't murder me! Geez!!" Brooklyn yelled.

"Don't sneak up on me like that woman!"

"Sorry. I just wanted to know if you were okay. Ezra's an idiot." She said as we were walking back into the stable. "What was the fight over anyway?"

"He called me weak and basically said I couldn't take up for myself."

"What?!? You just pushed Britney in a pool and told her off!! How is that not taking up for yourself!?"

"I don't know. He said he didn't think I would let a girl like Britney get to me and that I wouldn't stoop to her level."

"You didn't stoop to her level. You stood up for yourself and I'm very proud of you for that. Yeah, you normally just ignore what she says, but this time, you gave her a piece of your mind. Good job boo!" She winked, giving me a hug.

"Thanks." I giggled. "Ezra also said he thought I was too sweet to be a girl like Britney and I keep what I have to say to myself so I don't get in a fight or in trouble."

"Well he's right. You normally do keep it to yourself. You don't let her get to you like all the other girls at our school. You are too much of a lady for that." She chuckled.

"Do you think I was too harsh on him?"

"Depends. What did you say back?"

"Well I said I was offended he thought of me like that and I'm an independent woman. I didn't give him a chance to explain. I just ran out of the house and came here."

"You should have gave him a chance. Everyone deserves that."

And she's right again!

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"C'mon. Let's go back. I'm pretty sure he's worried about you." She said, gesturing for me to follow her.

"Alright. Let's get this over with."


All of the guys eyes were on us. I, being the awkward uncomfortable one, tripped over my own foot.

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