"I forgive you, and I was stupid for reacting that way. I love you Lauren, and I always will." Klay said.

"I love you too, Thompson." Lauren cracked a smile.

"Oh, and you left this at home." Klay held out his hand as he placed Lauren's wedding ring into her palm.

"Oh, thanks." Lauren said, examining the band with the rock.

Before she could do anything, Klay's phone buzzed and she looked over to see a name pop up that left an unsettling feeling in her stomach.

"Wh-why are you-talking to-her?" Lauren began to stutter as she saw Hannah's name pop up on Klay's phone.

"Oh Hannah? It's nothing." Klay began to feel his palms sweat.

Lauren felt her heart drop as she remembered Hannah and what she has done. Although she knew Klay's recent actions were out of anger, she couldn't help but hold back tears.

"Um, I gotta go." Lauren said as she got up and started to walk back to the house.

"Wait Lauren!" Klay called out, but Lauren kept walking.

"This looks like it didn't go too well." Steph whispered and they all watched Lauren walk back in.

"Quick, she's almost in the house, act natural." Draymond said, a little tipsy, as he threw his body onto the dining table while laying his hand on his head.

"Hey Dray." Lauren made an uncomfortable laugh as she walked inside.

"Oh hey L-dawg! Didn't see ya there." Draymond slurred.

Lauren playfully rolled her eyes before sitting down, and dipping a chip into Ayesha's homemade salsa.

"So, how did your conversation go?" Steph asked, hesitantly.

"I mean, it was going really well until I saw that bitch's name on his phone trying to text him." Lauren was on the verge of tears as she ate.

"Is he still really trying it with her?" Ayesha rolled her eyes at the thought of Hannah.

"I know he was angry at the time, but it still hurts." Lauren whispered.

"But then you also have to realize that you're living with your first baby daddy right now." Draymond said, taking another sip of vodka.

"Don't get mad at him, he does have a point." Kamila defended Draymond.

"But I didn't sleep with Chance!" Lauren raised her voice.

"What makes you think I slept with Hannah?" Klay chimed in.

"Are you serious right now?" Steph looked at his teammate.

"Don't bullshit her, KD and I saw her walk out of your house, and she thanked you for a 'good time'." Steph said, using air quotes.

"And I can guarantee to you that she didn't sleep with Chance ever since she temporarily moved in. I was there everyday, every hour." Kamila said.

"You guys are still married, you know." Draymond added.

"Thanks for reminding us, Dray. I forgot." Lauren said sarcastically.

"I just miss how things were." Klay blurted out.

Everyone was taken aback by him raising his voice.

"I miss waking up next to you everyday, I miss coming home from practice and seeing you with the kids, I miss seeing you guys at games, I miss you." Klay started to cry, and he never cried, especially in front of his teammates.

"I do too." Lauren whispered.

"I do three." Draymond said, but at this point, everyone was just ignoring him.

After that, the doorbell rang and it took everyone by surprise.

"I'll get it!" Draymond stumbled as he made his way to the door.

He opened the door without looking to see who was on the other end.

"Kyrie!!! My guy!!" Draymond exclaimed, as him and Kyrie did their usual handshake.

"Hey, I remember you!" Draymond widened his eyes as he pointed to the male figure standing next to Kyrie.

"I'm-" The male began as he stuck his hand out to introduce himself.

"You're the dude K and I gave courtside tickets to you and your daughter!" Draymond said.

"That's me!" He gave a wide smile.

"What's your name again?" Draymond asked, as be furrowed his eyebrows.

"My name is Chance." He stick his hand out, but before Draymond could reach out for his hand, his jaw dropped.

"Oh shit." He muttered.

Author's Note: hello beautiful readers! I am back and better! Also, sorry I know I said I would be updating more frequently but junior year of high school loves to drown me in homework as well as college applications. But, like I said, this book has tons more content to come! I had a little down time today (finally) and decided to surprise you all with an update! Give me your thoughts on what you want or think will happen next! I love hearing your feedback! Anyway, hope you all are doing well! I missed you guys! Please don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all! xoxoxoxoxo❤️

The Secret. (Book Two of The Contract.) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя