17 Deadly Gluttony of Kim Timoteo

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Jaeoh woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing non-stop.

She groaned as she sat up and look at her clock. 6 am, who the heck could be visiting so early? Besides, nobody rings her doorbell, ever.

People whom usually visits are the Taemin squad whom knows the pin number. Maybe except for the forgetful Jimin, but he isn't back in Seoul yet. Or sometimes food deliveries but she was expecting none.

Ring Diggy Ding Diggy Ding Ding Ding ~

The doorbell rang again. Jaeoh normally likes 'Ring Ding Dong' by SHINee, but this morning it annoys her.

"I am coming!" Jaeoh shouted as she dragged her feet towards the door.

She was taken aback as soon as she opens the door and see Daniel smiling sheepishly and scratching the back of his head. Together with Daniel was the old security man that was in charge of their building.

"Ms Lee, I have seen this guy loitering outside your corridor for at least 30 minutes. He claims to know you. Do you know him?"

Jaeoh tried to control her laughter when she realizes that Daniel has been outside her door waiting and became suspicious to the security man.

"Thank you ajusshi. If I do not know him, what will be done?"

Daniel dropped his smile when he heard Jaeoh say that.

"I'll call the cops and hand him over to them."

Hearing that the cops will be called in, Daniel started panicking.

Jaeoh burst out laughing seeing Daniel like this.

"Thank you ajusshi, I was just curious. I know him. Thanks for trying to keep our building safe!" Jaeoh said in between laughters as she pulled Daniel into her house and closed the doors.

"Yah, what was that about?" Daniel pouted, "I was almost ready to run if he really called the cops."

Seeing that Daniel still have yet to recover from the incident, Jaeoh leaned in and peck him on his cheeks, "I was just teasing you."

Daniel's bunny tooth became visible as he smiled and hug Jaeoh, "Don't do that again kitty."

Jaeoh held onto Daniel's hand and pulled him into her room. She was still feeling a little tired since she had only reached home at around 1 am in the morning after the drinking session last night.

She lay down on her bed as Daniel sat beside her.

"Why are you here this early? Aren't you tired?"

Daniel than lay down beside Jaeoh, "I slept but I woke up feeling hungry. After I ate some Ramyeon, I realized that I miss you so I came."

Jaeoh snuggled up with Daniel. She had her head laying on Daniel's broad shoulder. Daniel smelled like ocean and Jaeoh loves his scent.

"You should have called so I could open the door for you."

"I tried but you didn't pick up. So I thought that maybe I could just wait outside your house till you get up. But the security ajusshi caught me and thought that I was loitering."

Jaeoh checked her phone and indeed saw 5 miss calls from Daniel.

"I am sorry, I didn't know," Jaeoh said as Daniel pulled her closer to him.

"It's alright my kitty cause I get to be beside you know," Daniel said and kissed Jaeoh's forehead.

Both of them fell asleep shortly snuggled up together since they were both tired.

Of JaeOh and her 7 Deadly Sins (Kang Daniel + Taemin Squad)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant