13 One Down

21 1 0

"K-KANG DANIEL!?" Sungwoon exclaimed in shock as he saw Daniel and Jaeoh seated at the dining table together. He had unintentionally dropped the groceries which he had bought. He couldn't believe his eyes. Why is Kang Daniel even here?

"H-hyung, I can explain."


Daniel could feel sweat rolling down his forehead. Even if Sungwoon is his Wanna One member, he don't have to guess that Sungwoon adores Jaeoh like his real little sister.

"Hyung.. We.. we were having breakfast together."

Sungwoon still couldn't believe what he was seeing. He went towards both Jaeoh and Daniel and touched their cheeks to make sure what he was seeing is real.

"This really isn't a dream.." Sungwoon commented, "Why are you here Kang Daniel? You know it's Taemin and Jaeoh's house right? It isn't Daniel's house, it isn't Wanna One's house but Taemin and Jaeoh's house!"

Afraid that Sungwoon may get more agitated, Jaeoh decided to explain.

"Oppa, I was the one whom invited Daniel over."


Daniel decided to take over as he do not want Sungwoon to blame or pressure Jaeoh. He didn't like the sad look on Jaeoh's pretty face.

Daniel slowly explained to Sungwoon that he had gotten Jaeoh's number when they were at the club and had decided to meet up since for Daniel, he was alone at the dorm and for Jaeoh, alone at home.

"Why couldn't you just go to any other Wanna One members?"

"Minhyun went back to NU'EST dorm to stay with them cause he missed them. Daehwi, Guanlin, Jinyoung and Jaehwan decided to take a short holiday to Japan. Even Jihoon, Jisung and Woojin went on a car trip around Korea with Seongwu. And hyung, you went back to your grandfather too.. I thought you won't be back so soon, you said you will only be back in 3 days time."

"I was suddenly reminded that Jaeoh would be alone that's why I came back earlier! But why of all people you have to choose Jaeoh!?"

"I just.. I just wanna see her."

"Taeminie is so gonna kill me," Sungwoon groaned in frustration and had both his hands up massaging his temples.

"Oppa ya, Taemin oppa will not do that. You are just like his real brother," Jaeoh said as she held onto Sungwoon's hands.

"Besides that, I did not get Jaeoh's number from you hyung. You said the Taemin squad will kill you if you gave it to me but I got it myself.. If that makes any difference."

Sungwoon stared daggers at Daniel, "How could you do that? You know well that Jaeoh is just like my little sister! No elder brother would enjoy knowing that some guys just randomly took their sister's number!"

"Hyung, you know me. I am not 'some guys' and Hyung, I will show you with my actions that I will take care of Jaeoh as well as any of her oppas do."

As soon as Sungwoon hears that he became hysterical, "YAH KANG DANIEL! WHAT DO YOU MEAN TAKE CARE OF JAEOH LIKE THE REST OF US!? DON'T TELL ME..."

Sungwoon didn't finish his sentence and Jaeoh already nodded, "Yes oppa.. I decided to have a go and try it out with Daniel.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!? JAEOH? DANIEL? YOU MEAN YOU GUYS ARE ALREADY TOGETHER!?" Sungwoon looked at both Daniel and Jaeoh whom nodded while avoiding his eyes.

"Hyung I-"

"What will I do if you ever hurt her? Do I side with my own member or do I defend my sister? And Jaeoh, really!? Another idol? When will you learn to protect yourself? You know that Wanna One is popular and Daniel is actually even ranked number 1 in popularity! How is he gonna find time for you when he even lacks sleep himself?" Sungwoon ranted and still find it hard to believe that this is happening. What will he do if Daniel and Jaeoh hurt each other?

Jaeoh remained silent but Daniel decide that if he wants to be with Jaeoh, he would have to face this sooner or later.

"I know it is a little hard for you now hyung, but please give us your blessings. I will do my best with Jaeoh. I am not playing around and taking this lightly hyung."

Sungwoon's expression was hard to read. Jaeoh tried to convince Sungwoon with her aegyo which usually works but this time, Sungwoon isn't buying it.

Sungwoon suddenly stood up from his seat and took the groceries which he had left from the floor.

"I need time. I will just go wash up the groceries and prepare for the BBQ. And no Kang Daniel, there isn't any extra for you," Sungwoon said flatly as he walked into the kitchen.

"I have never seen hyung so.. angry before," Daniel said as he stared at the floor.

"Sungwoon oppa will be fine. Just give him a little time, I know him. He is just, you know worried about both of us."

Daniel than held onto Jaeoh's hands out of a sudden, "I just wanna say that I will really do my best for this relationship, okay?"

Jaeoh smiled widely and peck Daniel on his lips.

Daniel smiled and scratched the back of his head of his non itchy head, "Guess it's 1 down for now and 5 more to go. We can do this!"


"The other 5 of your oppas."

Jaeoh formed an 'o' with her mouth when she realized. She sighed, "I guess.. But Sungwoon oppa reacted much more strongly than I thought he would. It may be harder this time as compared to when they knew about Jackson."

Daniel went towards Jaeoh and hugged her tight to comfort her. They stay together like this for awhile up until Sungwoon suddenly appeared and seperate them apart."

"YAH! I said sometime for myself, not sometime for you two to get hanky panky! You two can't be progressing that fast?"

Daniel gluped when Sungwoon said that and decide it is probably best to not let him know now that he had already kissed Jaeoh, "Hyung, we were just hugging."

"Even if I am alright with you two being together, you should not be hugging so fast!"

"Does that mean you accept our relationship?" Jaeoh asked feeling hopeful.

Sungwoon could see Daniel's glistening, pleading puppy eyes and Jaeoh's hopeful face.

He sighed in defeat, "Just promise to not hurt each other. And Daniel, don't think that any of her oppas will go easy on you just cause you are currently the most sought after idol in Korea. And think about of what to do if Wanna One members and manager finds out. We are not exactly suppose to be dating now."

Both Daniel and Jaeoh cheered hearing that, "thank you so much oppa! Thank you!"

Jaeoh hugged Sungwoon while Daniel just smiled sheepishly.

"I am so gonna get killed by not only Taemin but also the rest of the squad."

They prepared for the food and ordered additional since Sungwoon didn't exactly expect Daniel to be around.

As they sat together and chatted, Sungwoon could see how happy both Daniel and Jaeoh are. They definitely look cute together but will they always be this happy together?

He knows he couldn't stop them from being together but he was very worried. Sungwoon isn't sure how the rest of the squad will react to the news. If he had reacted in such a way to Daniel even though Daniel is his member, he do not know what the rest of the squad will say.

Sungwoon was afraid one day Jaeoh will have to leave Daniel because of his idol status. Or worst get hurt because of Daniel's idol status. Daniel may even get into trouble for this.

Sungwoon than decided to stop thinking about the what ifs and focus on the present. Even if it had only been a few months, he had already developed a kind of brotherhood with Daniel. And Jaeoh, the only little sister whom he had for many years. He will do whatever it takes to protect the both of them.

Timoteo didn't make the final 9 of the Unit T.T

Of JaeOh and her 7 Deadly Sins (Kang Daniel + Taemin Squad)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant