Chapter 4: Goodbye Mr. Froggy! I shall return!

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Katara POV

I finish packing and I walk out of my the room and over to Mr. Froggy.

"Goodbye Mr. Froggy! I Shall return!" I yell in his ear while glomping him.

He sighs softly.

"Stay safe... If anything should happen to you I..."

"You would what?"

"I would be crushed...."

I widen my eyes and look into his, my confused face turning into a sweet innocent smile.

"Don't worry! I'll be fine! I promise" I yell giving him one last hug before turning to leave. He lets out a sad sigh and watches me leave/ climb out of his underground home.


Lucca POV

Red runs over to us with a large smile plastered on her face.

"I'm ready! Let's go on an aventuuure!!" she yells as she arrives in front of us.

"Very well." I reply, sighing softly as I turn towards Marle and Chrono.

"You two ready?"

They both nod.

"Alright, let's get going" I say as we begin to follow Chrono back to the mountain in which the portal lies.

"So this is it?" Red asks, walking in a circle around it to get a closer look.

I nod and take out Marle's pendant before entering the form of light in front of us. We begin to get transported and the next place we arrive is shocking. We arrive in what I assume is the future based on the structure of the empty room we're in. We walk out of the building silently and we arrive in utterly deserted plains. Where there are winds fueling a never ending sand storm. Where the buildings have collapsed and all that's standing are a few domes. It's depressing.... to think that this is what our world is yet to become. I turn towards the others who all seem as shocked as I, all but Red, I see slight recognition in her eyes before she clutches her head.

"Gah..!" she cries out dropping to her knees and processing what she see's.

"What is it, Red?" I ask worried as I kneel down next to her.

"I......I've....seen this all before..."

Hey guys, it's been awhile hasn't it? I've been busy with exams and my computer sucks, I had to update on my brother's, sorry the chapter is kinda short :P Also, could I get some feedback? I'd like to know what you guys think so far, and if you have any tips I'd be glad to listen. Live well and prosper, and do all you awesome peoples do, much love to your all of you out there who have played Chrono Trigger, PEACE 

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