Chapter 2: The search

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Disclaimer: Hi! :) I don't own ChronoTrigger!

Recap: We then started to make our way to the castle because he also wanted to give me a tour there. We walk inside and head in the direction of the king who seems very stressed all of a sudden.

"What is troubling thou, my king?" asks Mr. Froggy.

"The queen is missing".

End of recap

Chapter 2: The search


His eyes widen at the king's reply and there's a long moment of silence.

"I shall begin searching right away, sir..."

"Thank you go"

He then bows his head respectfully before leaving while I do the same and follow behind.

"I'm coming with you..." I mumble.

"No...It's far to dangerous..." he replies, glancing over in my direction.


"I've already lost enough, I'm not about to watch your life end..." he mumbles sadly while looking down at his feet.

"Please...I won't die...I promise..." he looks back up at me, surprised by the seriousness in my eyes and in my voice.

"On one condition..."


"You stay close to me..."



"The queen has been found?! Where is she?" I practically scream at his highness.

"In her room..." the king mumbles.

I nod and begin to make my way up the stairs, leaving M. Froggy and the  king to their conversation. I reach the top of the staircase and I quietly make my way over to the queen's bedroom. I push myself up on the windowsill beside the bedroom door with ease and what I see surprises me.

'The queen is disappearing in beams of light in front of a boy with spiky amber hair...wait....that's not the queen..... and the boy's clothes aren't from this era....then....that girl must be the queen's ancestor! I mean descendant.....! It all makes sense now, because the search went off when they though they found the queen when really, the queen is still in captivity! I must warn M. Froggy right away!' I mentally scream at myself before practically flying down the stairs to explain the situation to him and dragging him out the door.

"What?! Then we must continue to search...!"

"I know...." I mumble.

We then begin to make our way to a large abandoned cathedral and stay hidden in the shadows since two others arrived before us. We stay hidden for a bit until they get attacked in a blind spot and M. Froggy decides to jump in and save the day. The girl with short purples hair squeals in disgust while I jump in next to him and raise and eyebrow at her. M. Froggy offers his assistance in finding the queen giving them the choice of weather they want the help of an amphibian like him or not. The girl hesitates then consults the boy next to her.

"W-What do you think Chrono..?"

"I don't see why not..."

"Y-yeah...even if he's slimy he can't be that bad..."

I sigh loudly.

"Then let's not waste a second, shall we?"

They nod then find a secret passage through an organ piece and we begin to search the inside of the cathedral. Everywhere I look I see Nagas and Vipers roaming the halls. Gulping nervously, I take a step back and hold onto M. Froggy's arm while he sighs. We begin to search and we are forced to fight some of the creature on the way, I usually stay hidden during the combat tho. We then arrive in a large room where we encounter Yakra. Attacks are exchanged until we prevail and end his miserable life, of so we thought. We find Queen Leene and return to the castle to see the Queen's descendant re-appear. There is a large dinner to celebrate her return and then I turn to leave with M. Froggy until I am stopped.

"Hey you, red head"

I turn around to face the two other kids from earlier.

"Hmm? And you can call me Red" 

"Why don't you join us?"


Well hope you liked it! cx

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