~Chapter 1~ The Meeting ~

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(Pic above is what I picture Asteria looking like)


Over the last millennia or so I have travelled the world, seen empires rise and fall, witnessed generations of families die and grow anew, suffered through wars and experienced several counts of Deja vu.

I am all too familiar with the phrase 'history likes to repeat itself' and no truer is this phrase then here in New Orleans. Where the party never dies, or so I'm told. I never stay long enough to experience the supposed never-ending celebrations.

If I was honest, I have no clue why I am even here. Every time I come back here it's the same thing but I just can't seem to ignore this tugging feeling I get every time I leave. It's like I'm being pulled towards something...someone. I don't understand why but every time I return to this godforsaken city, I expect something to happen, something, anything to explain this tug my brain can't seem to override.

If I remember correctly, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. If that is true, I must be truly deranged. Sitting here in the same bar, with the same glass of scotch, expecting, hoping something will happen. I let out a deflated sigh, my seemingly eternal search for an answer weighing heavy in my chest. 

The light catches in my drink, producing a whirlpool of gold and orange. Almost like magic. Pulling me in, captivating my mind in the whirl of colour. My daze is interrupted by a familiar tugging feeling, only this time it feels like someone is pulling me by my intestines. Trust me, it's not a pleasant feeling. Having your guts being pulled towards nothing is uncomfortable, to say the least.

Don't think I haven't tried following this feeling. When it first began, back in 1919 to be exact, the tug led me to a house of sorts, what I am kidding it was a bloody mansion. From what I could put together from rumours heard on the street and idle chit-chat between the unsuspecting patrons of various bars, there were only three people living there. It shocked me, I am not going to lie. No one needs that much space if you ask me. Then again, running from hell itself can make any person learn to appreciate just having a comfy bed to sleep on.

I place the still partially full glass down, done drowning my sorrows. I'm not this person, I still have fight left in me. I will not admit defeat, not yet. New found determination flows through my veins, getting up off the worn leather barstool, I follow that stupid tugging feeling.

Shops line the bustling concrete street. I hate this, no actually I just hate people. I don't see the appeal of humans, they are rude and about 99% of the men are pigs. On second thought, that's mean to pigs. I have lost count of the times I have been groped by men or approached for sex. I'm not stupid, I know my fiery red hair, complements my fair, freckled skin and blazing orange eyes. I am not going to be one of those girls who deny that they are attractive but that doesn't mean I want to be groped by strangers. One even had the balls to offer me money to sleep with him. 

Let's just say, the next morning, he ended up with a nasty burn, down south. I smirk at the memory; I really was a sadistic witch. It didn't bother me, in fact, I kind of liked that about myself, who wanted to be nice and sweet anyway. I'd rather have fun.

Lost in my wicked thoughts, I don't register the man right ahead of me. It was like crashing into a brick wall. On instinct, I grab on to the guy's collar trying to keep myself upright. Unfortunately, the gods weren't on my side and instead of keeping myself up I took us both down. His hands latch onto my hips and flip our positions so I land on his chest.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pull you down with me" a nervous chuckle leaves my plump red lips, "I guess I thought because you are built like brick wall you would stay standing like one" My stomach tightens and explodes in a swarm of butterflies at the small chuckle that escapes his full pink lips.

"That does seem like sound logic, luv" his lips turn upward in a small smirk, "Niklaus"

"Niklaus?" raising an eyebrow in confusion at the random word.

"Yes, luv, Niklaus. It's my name. Klaus to my friends" smirk still present with the addition of a quirked eyebrow.

"Nice to run into you Nik" A small smirk graces my face.

I pushed myself off him I stretch my arm out, waiting for him to accept the help. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't take my hand, instead opting for pushing himself up. Now standing at his full height, I notice he wasn't that much taller than me, his form about ten or so centimetres taller.

"Now what would be your name?" He asks, charm dripping from his words.

"Now what would be the fun in that?" I smirk, "I'll see you around mate."

"I'm counting on it, luv." He calls and I can't help the smile that worms its way onto my face.


Hey guys, I know its a pretty short chapter but I really like it. Please keep reading because the chapters do become much longer.

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Until next time my lovelies xx 

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