"but, man. she probably doesn't know how to speak our language." another voice said, laughing meanly.

this time, eunbi rolled her eyes, and clicked her tounge in annoyance.

"looks like a chinese girl. nee-haw-ma." 'gale' mocked and the rest laughed.

"what if she's korean? uhn-yung-hey-seyo." again, they laughed loudly but that was muted by the loud noise inside the bus.

eunbi gripped the metal tighter, her knuckles turning white. they had just made fun of her language, her race and she wasn't having any of it.

she was tired and angry. and those were two emotions that weren't supposed to mix.

"i'm gonna approach her. looks like i'm gonna get laid tonight." he snickered while the other friends cheered for him.

she braced herself for the worst.

the girl felt the man approaching her and he stopped when they were only one cm away from each other.

eunbi felt relieved but that soon vanished went she felt him snake his hands around her waist and squeezing her butt firmly. his chest now in her back.

"hey, beautiful." he whispered, voice low and dangerous. she felt his fingernails in her bottom and squeaked. "i'm taking you home tonight."

"uhm." she spoke. but the words died when his other hand gripped her left breast. eunbi could feel his nasty grin from where he was.

she looked wildly for help.

the bus was crowded and no one even noticed that she was being molested. all of them were on their phones, had earphones on or they were too busy to even bother.

"no one can help you now, little girl." he growled. "a slut like you should pleasure superiors like me."

she felt sick.

before she could retort, the bus stopped and most of the people left. but that didn't stop the man from feeling her.

"baby." he said.

and that's when she lost control.

eunbi gripped both his arms and twisted them, him howling in pain.

the people that were on the bus looked at them curiously.

"you're disgusting." she said fluently. "you think i couldn't understand a word you said? you mocked me country, my language and my race. you fucking touched me inappropriately. you even had the guts to call me a slut?!" eunbi shouted, twisting his arms hard.

the bus was quiet and it was obvious that they were listening to the commotion that was happening.

"does it make you feel better? when you go around groping a random girl's butt or her breast? you're pathetic." eunbi spat, letting go off the man's arms. his face morphed into something of relief when she let go but it went off when eunbi kicked his manhood. hard.

he covered his crotch with his two hands, shouting in pain.

"and it's annyeonghaesyo, you jerk." she spoke again.

the bus stopped.

"bye, baby." before she walked out, eunbi slapped his cheeks and stomped on his covered crotch once again elitting a groan.

the guy's nose was bleeding.

deeming it was enough, she turned around and went out the bus ignoring the eyes that followed her on the way.

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