S4EP15 "House of Desicions/House of Entering" Part 4

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Amber: Patricia's key? Maybe?

Fabian: I have it in my pocket!

Fabian slips out the key Patricia gave him in the hospital and puts it in the dusty silver lock of the box that Amber found in another box that fell down. The box suddendly opens.

Amber: Wee-wee! Another clue?

Fabian: Ha, yes! Thank you!

Amber: Thank you who? Me or the house?

Fabian: Look what's written on it!

Amber: (reading) The opposite of sun god Ra is the place where the sword of immortality was left by...

Fabian: (reading) The curse must be lifted fast, or the friends will be your past...

Amber: Wow... So Egyptians really were experts at poetry.

Fabian: Do you know what that means?

Amber: ... That they... were good at poems?

Fabian: What? No. The curse. It must be lifted fast, or else the one who's cursed will die!

Amber: Patricia's already dead. Epic poem fail.

Fabian: Girl, no offense, but you are so dumb.

Amber: I was the one who started Sibuna, and you have no right to tell me I'm dumb, not now not ever!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joy crying on her bed with a science book on her knees. Mara walks in.

Mara: Joy? What's wrong?

Joy: I broke up with Jerome...

Mara: He broke your heart as well? I told him not to play games with you anymore, now it's time to...

Joy: Plot a revenge on him? No, Mara! I broke his heart.

Mara: You?

Joy: I had a summer romance with a guy in college.

Mara: What? Why?

Joy: He was so... Hot, and cute, and... I couldn't resist, I don't know why, we were good friends in the first place and it all finished in a kiss under a moonlight at midnight.

Mara: Sounds romantic... But...

Joy: I didn't want to break Jerome's heart! He is amazing. I love him. But, that time I just didn't think about him and only thought about Jacob.

Mara: But you broke up with that Jacob dude, yeah?

Joy: Yes.

Mara: So, what's the problem?

Joy: I... Thing is - I kissed him when me & Jerome were still dating.

Mara: But, Joy? You're now dating Fabian. The love of your life? Why are you still thinking of Jerome?

Joy: I feel bad. No, I feel horrible about what I did, and I want to fix it.

Mara: Write him a letter then?

Joy: I can't.

Mara: Why not?

Joy: I need to speak to him in person.

Mara: Then... Do it! If you want a guy to like you, be absolutely honest with him.

Joy: Since when do you know so much about boys?

Mara: Well, dating 3 guys in my life really did teach me a lot.

Joy: I see. Well, maybe you're right. I should speak to Jerome in person and finish this whole 'Jeroy' thing once and for all.

Mara: But, do you want to?

Joy: What are you a journalist?

Mara: Motto of my life - question everything, assume nothing.

Joy: Sure, mr. brainy Jaffray.

Mara and Joy hug. At the moment, Sibunas finally attend to the House of Isis'. The hall of the house surprises them. Anubis house was told to be the best houses' of all, but House of Isis was way much more modern, everything was new, except the mummies in the kitchen, which were the first things that kept Sibunas guessing and finding out more about the story of this house they've never been at. Amber doesn't want to waste time, so she walks straight to the caretakers office, like usual, without knocking.

Amber: Hello!

Tyler: Didn't your parents teach you how to knock?

Amber: Who listens to parents these days?

Tyler: Tough girl, I see.

Amber: I spent a year at New Yorks' fashion school, of course I'm a tough cookie!

Tyler: Alright then. What is it you want?

Amber: The story of this house, duh. Tell me everything you know.

Tyler: And what makes you think I could do that?

Amber: No offense, but old people know everything about Egyptology. I learned that while living in Anubis house. Sarah, Victor, Robert...

Tyler: (coughs) Sarah?

Amber: Let's both of us be honest. It's to time to face the truth. I'm having a really bad time right now.

Tyler: Huh?

Amber: You're old. I'm young. It's hard to be the only pretty face around.

Tyler: Excuse me, diva, but you need to learn how to show some respect!

Amber: And you're talking about respect? Dude, you're a caretaker at a school, while I'm a proffesional at clothe designing. Otherwise, I really don't care if you respect me or not. I'm here to interview, not to argue. And that jacket really does not fit you. Once you're lost at what you'd wear, you've just got to ask yourself - WWVBD. What would Victoria Beckham do?

Fabian (in low voice, behind the door, because the door wasn't closed): Well she's good.

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