S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 1

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House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 1 (out of 5)

Last time on House of Anubis: The gangs' most friendly member came back, but there's much more for the sibunas to do this time, but when a kiss between Fabian & KT ruins Mabians' relationship, things will get interesting!

Patricia: OMG! The Cup!

Amber: Forget the Cup! We have much more to worry about!

Patricia: I Can't understand anything.

Amber: What?

Patricia: I Don't understand this mystery! It's all too much...

Amber: Great! Now I just destroyed the cup?

Patricia: Seems like it...

Amber: Wait, what's that?

(Amber takes the 7th piece of the Cup of Ankh which has "The End" written on it)

Amber: End. It's not the end! It can't be.

Patricia: No, that's what it used to be since Fabian & Nina found it.

Amber: Oh... Still...

Patricia: But why was this the only piece that didn't burn its' self?

Amber: Some sort of... Key?

Patricia: Yeah right...

Amber: What? I'm trying to be helpful...

Patricia: Well you failed.

Amber: Let's bring it to the Sibunas, wonder what they will say...

Patricia: They will all be like - Ah? What's that? Some sort of key or another clue? You know, the usual gang we know.

Amber: you might be right! Still, let's go and talk to them?

(Amber & Patricia get out of the cellar)

(KT comes in to the dinning room)

(KT sits, so does Fabian & Mara)

Mara: Well, how did you guys sleep? Did you dream each other? Or did you flirt over all night?

Jerome: Have I missed something?

KT: Look, The kiss was just...

Fabian: We were tired! We didn't even know what we were doing, now stop asking and go eat something, no girl is skinnier than you!

Mara: Excuse me?

KT: Fabian?

Fabian: Yeah, that's right! You look horrible in that uniform! KT, Would you like a glass of orange juice?

Mara: Are you trying to make me jelous?

Fabian: What? No! Just saying KT looks way more better than you! That's all.

Mara: Pig!

Fabian: Faggot!

(Mara stands up)

(Patricia comes in)

Mara: Patricia! Would you please throw some food at Fabian's face?

Patricia: Why should I... Okay!

(Patricia takes a bowl of cereal)

Joy: No, Patty, You don't have to do this for...

Jerome: Here it goes again!

Fabian: Look, You don't...

(Patricia spills the bowl of cereal all over Fabian's face)

KT: That's unfair! Mara! The kiss wasn't suppose to happen! And anyways, why don't you let him do whatever he feels it's right to do? Well? Let him be happy!

Mara: It shows me what sort of friend you are. Everyone! Party - Cancelled!

Joy, Cassie, Jake: What?

Amber: Unfair!

Eddie: Definetly, Mara, too much!

Mara: No party means no party! And I'm... I'm leaving! There wasn't a place for me in here so why should I stay...

Joy: But...

Mara: No!

(Joy, Mara, Cassie, Jake, Erin, Dexter & Willow walks out of the kitchen)

Eddie: Too much, Patricia!

Patricia: I Was asked to do that!

Alfie: You can't just...

Fabian: Enough! All of you! Don't you think we all went too far?

KT: Oh, look who's speaking.

Patricia: Sorry, Fabian! I Felt it was a thing which is right to do...

Fabian: Really? Well thank you, I Love to have milk all over my face!

KT: Let's just let it go... Forget what happened tonight. And yesterday...

Patricia: Things don't be forgotten only because you want them to...

(Patricia, Amber, Eddie & Fabian go to their rooms)

KT: Why do they always, always leave me alone?

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