Chapter 8

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I struggle to keep all my bags in my arms as I walk back to the hotel. Last night was great. Namjoon and I well....

We kinda watched Netflix and how do I say this...


You thought I was gonna say Netflix and Chill, didn't you? You perverts... Anywayyyy, Namjoon and I both sucked at it but he's better at it. I mean, it's a game based on his songs so he has an advantage!

I pass by some buildings and see some people at a park. Little kids are sliding down slides and running around. Man, I can't wait to become a mom. I turn the corner and see the hotel. I walk slowly, trying to see if there are people with cameras. None... That's weird.

While walking up to the entrance, I feel a strong hand get a grip of my arm and pulls me to an alley.

"Ha, I finally got you..." I heard him chuckle. Then, I felt a sharp pain coming from my lower back. I look down to see a knife and blood from my stomach, dripping down.


"Ah, So you do remember me," He says as he digs the knife into my stomach some more.

"AH!" I scream as trying to get a grasp on air. I look at my surroundings and I'm in the guest room still. Tears are streaming down my cheeks.

Namjoon shoves the door open with a worried look on his face. He comes up to me and cups my face in his hands.

He stares into my glossy eyes, "Hey... what's wrong?" I look at him.

"I-I had a nightmare..." I managed to say in between sobs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I nod. As soon as I start talking, 6 worried men come in.

"WHAT HAPPENED Y/N?!" Jungkook shouts. They all look at us and gave a sigh of relief.

"I thought she was getting murdered," Yoongi says. Namjoon rolled his eyes at Suga's comment. He turned around and shooed them out of the room so we can have some privacy. While he does that, I look at the clock... 11:30 AM. Wow I must've been tired. He comes back and wraps himself in the covers.

I scoot over and cuddle with him as I tell him what it was about.

"It just felt so... real." He nods and kisses my forehead.

"It's okay... you're safe now." I close my eyes and listen to his heart. It's beating so fast but it has a such a symmetrical pattern that it calms me.

"Are you going to get ready?"

"Why do I need to?"

"The boys and I have to do promotions and interviews today." Right...

"Yeah, I'll get dressed."

"Well, I mean I could stay here if you want!"

"No, no. It's fine!" He looks at me and I hold his hand to reassure him that I am fine.

He lets out a big sigh, "Alright, if you say so."

——— 1 hour later ———

I finally got to my hotel room and place my things on the floor. I jump onto the fluffy bed and sink in becoming one with the bed. While sitting there for a bit, you think of what to do.

I decided to go to the movie by myself and then get some coffee. I go shopping for a bit and when I sit down on a bench, Namjoon calls me.

I pick up.

"Hey babe," He says.

"Hi," I say while getting flustered by him calling me babe.

"What are you doinnng?"

"Nothing, just sitting on a bench in a park."

"Oh... sounds... fun." I laugh

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting for everyone to be ready for our next interview."

"That's nice." He hums a 'mhm' sound and then someone yells.

"IS THAT Y/N YOU ARE TALKING TO?!" Jimin screams.

"Yes, jiminie..." then some muffled sounds go in my ear.

"Hiii y/nnnnnn...." Jimin says in a goofy way, trying to keep he phone to his ear.

"Hi Chim Chim!!"

"HA!! SHE SAID HI!" I playfully roll my eyes.

Finally Namjoon got his phone back, "Sorry about that. Um babe... I gotta go... I'll call you later okay?"


"Okay! Be safe on the streets!!! Bye!!"


*beep beep beep*

I laugh at how cute my boyfriend is. I put my phone away and see some girls looking at me... shoot... I forgot my face mask at the hotel.

A little boy run in front of me and almost trips. I run over to where he is and catch him on time so that his doesn't hit his head. There's another metal bench so he would've hit it and gotten some injuries. Good thing I was there.

He looks up and gives me a smile, "Thank you, 노나! (Noona)" I return his smile and then his mom comes and makes sure he's okay.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay Junho!!" He looks at her and smiles.

"Yep! Noona helped me!" He says as he points at me.

She looks up, "Thank you so much! Wait... aren't you RM's girlfriend?" I sit there and think. Did he tell his fans yet? I hesitantly nod my head and she smiles.

"He deserves someone like you." I blush at the sudden compliment.

"Again, thanks!" I nod and watch as they leave. I think that just made my day! I squeal at the little boy's cuteness.

I walk around a bit more until the sun was going down. I head back to the hotel and something seems... familiar. I don't know why, though, because I've never walked this way before. The street looks the same and there are no people waiting outside for me... then it hits me.

Déjà vu

And just like my dream, someone grabs me and leads me into an alley with a knife on my back.
He says the exact same words and I say his name again... Sejun... my crazy ex.

He finally takes the knife out and I fall to the ground. I quickly grab my phone out while shaking badly, trying to stay alive and awake. I go into contacts and touch Namjoon's name. Just in time, I text one word... help. I looked back up to see if he was noticing this but when I did, he was unbuckling his pants.

He lets out a little chuckle and gives me a sick look. He then picks me up bridal style, not giving one shit about the blood on my back or the ground. I try to get out of his arms but I'm too weak. Then, everything went black when he pushed on a spot on my neck.


Oh no...


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x.bootae.x < my insta

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