
The water of the bath was perfect. And what made the moment even more perfect for Lyra was the fact that Sesshomaru was with her. They both sat in the water together after having made love in the morning. He held her to him, her back pressed to his chest as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"How do you feel, my beloved?" Sesshomaru asked before placing a gentle kiss on the side of her neck. "Are you receiving any symptoms?"
Lyra sighed out softly. "Just a little sickness and a loss of appetite."
That concerned him. "When did you last eat?"
"About early evening yesterday. Just after sunset." She could literally feel his frown behind her at her confession.
"Do you have any cravings?"
She shook her head. "I wish I did."
"You must eat, Lyra. I will ask the chef to prepare some dishes for you and you can choose whatever you desire."

Lyra would have refused since she didn't want to bother the chef. But she knew Sesshomaru wouldn't listen. His main priority was her and the baby. And Lyra could feel herself weakening since the baby was taking all the nutrients from her.

"Hmm?" he hummed against her neck before brushing his lips across to her shoulder.
She breathed out a pleasured sigh before speaking again. "How many children do you want?"
"Four," he answered instantly.
Lyra laughed quietly. "Four children? Poor me," she joked.
He kissed her shoulder. "Three boys and a girl."
"Wow. You've really thought this through, huh?" Then a slightly nervous feeling set in. "But...what if I'm unable to give you that..?"
He lifted his head and took hold of her hand. "No matter how many children we have and no matter what they are, I will love them all the same. If they are a part of you, they will undoubtedly be perfect."

(*calls feudal era* Yes, I would like to order a Sesshomaru please.)

Lyra blushed deeply at his words and tilted her head to kiss under his jaw. "They will be a part of us," she whispered in response.

He looked down at her and lost himself in her eyes. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers which she responded to by closing her eyes and kissing him back. The kiss was short and sweet and once they parted, Lyra lay back against him again as they stayed in the bath.

"So? What happened while you were away?" Lyra asked him, unable to hold back her curiosity.
Sesshomaru let out a sigh. "Naraku has become stronger. He was hiding within Mount Hakurei, as you foretold. If it wasn't for that Shapeshifter, I would have reached him before he could complete his rebirth," he explained. "My Tokijin is unable to slay him in a direct hit."
"Curse that Shapeshifter and that Naraku for sending him," she spoke quietly.
"Also, Kikyo is dead."

Lyra remembered Kikyo as the priestess that Kagome was the reincarnation of. She had heard that she had returned but she didn't know much else about the woman.

"Alongside you, Kikyo was Naraku's biggest threat," Sesshomaru continued. "It is fortunate that Naraku still believes your absence will bring about his own demise. He cannot harm you."
She nodded once. "I will remain careful."
"And what did you get up to in my absence?"
"Well, not much honestly," she admitted. "I spoke to all the guards and servants so I could get to know them."

Sesshomaru wasn't pleased at her admission. He didn't want that the servants to become to friendly in case they should forget their place. If Lyra could have it her way, she would be best friends with everyone. However, Sesshomaru knew that she loved speaking so it was one way for her to do just that. Also she wasn't keen on servants and maids in the first place. He would let it slide for her sake.

"I see," he said in a low tone.
"Sabu and Josei took great care of me as well."
"Were you able to take Taiyo out for a ride?" he asked.
She shook her head. "I was too scared. I've never ridden a horse before so you need to teach me."
"Very well." He nipped her neck gently. "I will teach you this evening."

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