Ephemeral >> Dwalin X Reader

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Though while he ate, he watched as _________ ate their stew. She pushed her spoon around in the bowl and hesitated before every bite. He was about to look back at his bowl when _________ caught his eye, and she hung her head low.

"Is somethin' wrong?" He asked.

She looked to him, eyes sad. "I'm not used to all this food on the go," she explained. "I miss my pantry, and bread." She sighed, and added, "At home, today would be the day I bake. I bake for the week, and spend the afternoon watching it rise in the sunshine...it's the most wonderful smell." She glances down again. In a smaller voice, she says, "I know we've been travelling for only a week, but don't think less of me because of this."

Dwalin glances at the company. Most of the Dwarves around him are eating their meal or focused on the stories that Bofur is telling. Balin stares into his bowl, as if he could find gold in it, or enlightenment.

"Tell none of this," he utters to her.

From his pocket, Dwalin produces a small loaf of bread, the size of _________'s forearm. While passing through the last village, he'd paid good money for bread, and kept it secret to make sure it lasted long enough to be worth the coin. He breaks the loaf into halves and passes one to her.

"Oh, Master Dwalin, I couldn't –," she squeaks, face glowing red with a blush alike a tomato, "Please –,"

He pressed the half loaf into her chest softly. "Think nothing of it, lass." He spares her a smile, and resumes

At sunrise, the company had made to leave. Already, dirt is over the campfire, the gear gathered. Dwalin can't remember getting a wink of sleep in; he had spent the night sitting up on the last watch. Even before he had been on shift, he had spent the time staring at the stars above his head, head full of thoughts. Thoughts of how he could keep all the company were safe, including the Hobbit _________ who had worked her way under his guarded heart.

"Everyone here?" Thorin called out, astride his pony. "Thorin!" He said his own name, starting the roll call.

"Dwalin," He called his name.

Atop his pony, Balin intoned, "Balin!"

"Kili," said Fili.

"Fili," said Kili.

Dwalin rolled his eyes and stopped listening. His eyes grazed over the countryside where they had spent the night. The sun had begun to rise above the hills to the east, the shadows of the trees and rocks growing as time passed. But Dwalin paused, eyes thin as he squinted at the shadows.

Nearby, Bofur stated, "Bofur."

Dwalin raised his voice, "We're under attack," He steered his pony toward Thorin, and drew his axes from his back. "Orcs, on the hill!"

"Bombur," The last Dwarf called out, but none cared for that task now this was on hand.

Thorin raised his sword and turned to the company. "Dwarves, to arms! Dismount your steads, draw your weapons." He turned to Bilbo, and _________. In the same tone, he instructed, "Go on ahead, as far as your ponies can take you, keep them safe."

Dwalin looked to _________, expecting to see the Hobbit's eyes to be fearful, or upset. But instead, there was a glint of bravery there and instead of a protest, _________ and their burglar departed as soon as they could.

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