About Me Or The Devil >> Armitage Hux X Reader

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Title: About Me Or The Devil

Paring: Armitage Hux X Reader

Warnings: arranged marriage, shitty force user named Kylo Ren, swearing (minor)

Sequel: Yes, to Surrender or a Revel. This is the last part in the series. 

Spoilers: yes, if you haven't seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens 


Life went on for Armitage from that day. He wasn't sure why he thought that thought, but it was in his mind, nonetheless. He donned his suit, left early in the morning, and continued his work as the finest General the First Order had seen in their current times. He spared a thought for his new wife, thinking of how she appeared in the bed as he crept from it before the wee hours; her hair a mess upon the pillow, eyes closed tight as if dreaming of her fears and other unpleasantness. She was yet to say a word to him, and Armitage did not mind. He only spoke to her because, well, they were married, and he needed to be places and do important things. If anything, he wished the whole affair could be forgotten, and then maybe after time, they would warm up to one another.

Lieutenant Dopheld Mitaka milled around the vicinity, keeping an eye on all the workers that he could not see while back turned. He had given him a promotion, after Kylo Ren had throttled him, and now Mitaka was away from the likes of the Darth Vader's grandson, he seemed to be more at ease, and more dedicated to his work.

"I see you're the wedded man, now, General." The modulated voice spoke behind Armitage. Without needing to turn, he knew it to be Kylo Ren, Snoke's student himself. He was finally out of the medbay's infirmary, and gladly so. It was apparent he had began to, while on the better half of the mend, torment his nurses and doctors with Jedi mind tricks and taunting them with the force. He didn't like it when his people were demeaned. "Ah, and your ring? Shouldn't you be wearing it?"

"I am wearing it, Ren, you of all people should know jewellery is not regulation nor does fit over fitted gloves," He gritted. The force user nodded, and he added, "Besides, why do you care? Before you know it, Snoke might have found you a bride, or groom of your own," he taunted his counterpart.

Kylo Ren nodded. "I sense something at unrest with you, General. Be it that perhaps, your home life has come to frighten you into acting a way?" But the words he spoke were not taunts. They were as clear a day an observation, an invasion of Armitage's thoughts and feelings.

"Stop fishing in my mind," he growled.

"Stop projecting your insecurities," he retorted, as if they were not two grown men, wearing black and bickering upon a fighter ship within the depths of space. "We, General, have not much in common with one another, but if there is one thing I know better than the Force, it is that we both share difficult childhoods, and have bitter memories.

It was four days after the wedding, and yet, you were to speak a word to your husband. Perhaps he preferred it that way; you weren't sure, and sure as the stars were not about to ask him. The betrayal of your bloodline, your father selling you like a mule to marry a pompous red-headed merciless man, your step-mother treating you like manure all of your life to be treated like one of her own, full-blooded daughters in the trade for peace. And the fact that, when you walked down the room four days ago, the General, Armitage Hux had looked almost human, seemed and sounded so until the spell had broken, and work needed to be completed.

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