Dating, Not Dying >> Swimming Teacher!Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader

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Title: Dating, Not Dying

Paring: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader

Warnings: Pads gets sick, but don't worry

Sequel: yes, to 'Dating, Not Dying'

Spoilers: noooooooo...maybe yeah a bit. Even if it is AU take care my new SW fans who haven't seen Ep1-3.



Dating a swimming instructor of the twins was hard at times. Especially when the both of you wanted to wait until  a proper time to tell your mutual friends Anakan and Padmé . It meant always creeping around with Obi, trying not to make a big deal in public, or if found by either one of Luke's and Leia's parent's, playing dumb that you 'just happened to run into him'. After six months of this business, be it paying an extra tip to servers where the Amidala-Skywalker family dined also not to tell them of your presence, or omitting lots of details about your newfound love life when at coffee with Padmé...and it was quickly growing tiring.

For the both of you.

It was the morning after a big night, and sitting at your poor excuse for a dining room table (who even had enough money for an apartment and a table?) with coffee and semi-burned toast when you had to get if off your chest.

"We have to tell them," you and Obi Wan spoke at the same time.

His eyes softened, "Thank the stars, I was getting sick of lying to Anakin that I can't go on blind dates with his friends anymore."

You nod, and agree. "I was wondering how long I'd have to keep up the facade."

Glancing to his watch, Obi Wan made a face. "Oh pfassk, I forgot I have a class to teach! I've got to haul ass," your bearded lover takes a gulp of what coffee is remaining in his mug, and kisses your cheek, "Oh, and before we go, when's your lease end?"

"Next month's when I need to renew," you perk up.

Obi Wan slings on his jacket, and grins. "Move in with me. You can consider it when I'm out - remember to return Ani's tool kit, too. He's getting desperate without it!" The door closes, and you're left giggling like a mad idiot. All of it was too much to process at once; this fling has turned into a bizarre love, and that romance has turned into something more concrete than you'd ever expected you, the busy godparent to get around in your life.

"Oh my gosh," you wipe your eye, and laugh once more. "Oh -,"

There's a knock on the door, a little knock. You'd recognise that knock anywhere, and your eyes widen. Quicker than your beating heart, you rush to the door.

"Aunty ______!" Luke gushes. "Some - something's wrong with Mummy - she won't wake up!" His eyes are brimming with tears, staining his school uniform collar.

Your face blanches. "Luke - where's Daddy?" you rush back in and grab proper pants and a jacket, and your car keys. "Where's Leia? How'd you get here?"

His poor little face only makes more tears rush out. "Leia's with Mummy, and Daddy's out on - on - on," he takes a deep breath, and gathering Luke in your arms, you lock the door behind you and rush down to the street to your car. "Work." he hiccups. "I ran here, _______."

You press the small boy to your side, and grabbing the car door, you place him in the passanger seat, and toss your phone over. "You know my passcode, Luke, just call Obi." you start the car, and drive as fast as you can legally to Padmé and Anakin's home.

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