A Surrender Or A Revel >> Armitage Hux X Reader

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Title: A Surrender Or A Revel

Paring: Armitage Hux X Reader

Warnings: arranged marriage, (bullying?) by family members

Spoilers: yes! If you haven't seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens you're either in need of seeing it right this second to see the very attractive Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux, or perhaps living under a rock. Read at own risk if you have not!

Author's Note: This started off being a one-shot, but I fell in love with it and have prepped a sequel part in the works. I mightn't get around to it soon (uni is back in three days for me). This series (of two shots) is called 'My Soul's Freezing'. 


You lived your whole life thinking one decision could be made by you. Just one. You were not someone of particularly good blood; your family would dispute that fact. You were the firstborn of a King, but to a different woman than his wife. Yes, you held a sort of status in the Galaxy, just not as Princess. You were just ... _______. Sister of eight princesses. Just a woman who had been trained from birth to be the perfect wife to a man of stature and power. You spent your days reading books on how to do things perfectly, learning politics and skills of the kitchen as well as defence of yourself alike. You had an iron-will about one thing, though: you would be the one who chose the man you married.

But it would seem, that the decision was chosen for you too.

It was a Sunday when you found out you were destined to have the hand of a man named Armitage Hux, the General of the First Order. It had been a fine Sunday indeed, until the news had been broken, and at once, you felt your heart shatter to shards upon the words that came from your father's lips. You were silent upon hearing when you would depart to meet your husband-to-be, hearing when the knot would be tied. You were a pawn; just a power-play for your father to secure protection of his kingdom from the First Order from the wars.

If you had been allowed as a child to explore the kingdom, to meet the stable boys and the kids who rode speed racers, the children who had lives and worked for their living, you might have fallen in love naturally. Fallen in love for the kingdom. But you were a false princess, by only one name, and not one which had the power. You only hoped that the man you were to marry, Armitage, was a man who you could look in the eyes, a man who wouldn't hurt you, a man who might let you love him and him you.

But that was the thing with hope; it was a silly thing princesses thought worked in their favour.

It never had for you before. Why now?

General Armitage Hux stood in the main control room, surrounded by his men and women, working relentlessly on the next strike against the Resistance. After Starkiller had been destroyed, all he had was the Finaliser, and his troops, his people and the will of Supreme Leader Snoke leading him forward while Ren was healing in the medbay wing from the battle with the scavenger girl Rey.

It had been a good day; no malfunctions, no rouge troupers, none of the captives taking a vessel into open space back to a sandy wasteland to waste his time and troops' effort in recapturing them. It was a good day, for there was no mayhem, just the usual status reports, lower command officers kissing his proverbial ass, focusing on the one thing he cared for, one thing alone: his work.

Dopheld Mitaka had come to him moments before, and handed him a message. There was no one in the galaxies who had writing quite like his father, the war hero. Armitage knew it was him at a glance. With expertise, and haste, he opened the envelope, and began scanning the precise handwriting for what message his parents had deemed him not busy enough with his career to read. Slowly, his face turned pale, then, slowly, all a shade of red. His hands tightened on the parchment until it crumbled under his grip, under his fury.

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