Oblivious >> Leonard McCoy X Reader

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Title: Oblivious 

Paring: Leonard McCoy X Reader

Warnings: Leonard McCoy has a crush, Reader is oblivious, fluffy, everyone ships it, cute.

Spoilers: not really? I just mention characters from all three Star Trek reboot movies. Perhaps watch all three right now to get to speed? (I also include characters from the original series, but please know I haven't seen it, I'm just name-dropping. Also, if I was rich, and could afford to buy the ST:TOS, I would. Therefore I will remain a name-dropper). 

Request: from an anon on Tumblr


The last time Leonard H. 'Bones' McCoy fell for someone, it didn't end well. It was most of the reason he was off in the stars away from that mess. He never intended for the lovebug to bite his ass. At least, not before he was at least one foot in the grave or while they floated in space with Jim in charge of his and all the others' lives. But, life finds a way. Love does too. And when Scotty brought one of his own with him to fix a medicinal replicator, that lovebug bit him hard enough to see stars (or really, he turned to look outside the window. He was on a starship, for crying out loud).

If this had been anyone else, at any other time in Leonard's life, he would've gone to the bar, knocked back a row of the finest whiskey he could afford, and go home with someone else if he fancied it. But he didn't. Leonard McCoy realised it wasn't the same sort of thing he felt for his now ex-wife. It was more.

The patients had been relocated to the secondary Medbay, where Doctor M'Benga and his staff took care of them while the two engineers went to work fixing the medical replicator. Usually, if this was just Scotty, Leonard would buzz off, perhaps go to annoy Spock, or catch up on his to be read list. But beside the Scotsman, there was the most beautiful woman Leonard had ever seen, motor oil and grime all over her red shirt, and yet, the most joyous smile upon her face.

"So, to reverse the problem that it's got, I need to do the action twice, but backwards..." she muttered, tools splayed across the floor.

Beside her, her mentor nodded. "Aye, you've got the hang o' this, lassie," he clapped her shoulder proudly, "Soon I'll have ye on your own for repairs, you won't need me followin' ye around."

Leonard stood behind the both crew members of the engineering division, hands akimbo upon hips, inspecting the work as it was done. He watched as the machine clicked over to the proper mode, and the two red shirts high-fived each other. His protégé gathered the tools, and wiping down the area, said they were returning to their workbench to grab a tool forgotten that was needed for the next job.

As Scotty went to leave, Leonard coughed. "So, your apprentice..." he began.

The Scotsman beamed, "Ye mean Ensign ________? She's a delight, don't ye think?" Scotty grinned, laughing, "So, Bones...what has my Ensign piqued your interest for?" He wags his eyebrows.

Leonard waves him off. "Lay off it." He shakes his head. Only now, he's realising that as pretty that she is, there's a great chance of her deciding that his advances are not to her liking. Perhaps this thing he has could stay in his head. Yes. "I looked at the girl for five minutes, and you're hearing wedding bells?"

Scotty made a noise. "Ach, you said that, not me. It's just that ye look like head over heels." He shrugs, and adds, "If you're truly askin' about her credentials, she's a new transfer from the USS Bradbury. Had a bunch of 'em at the last stop made where we crossed paths with them." Scotty's communicator goes off, and before he answers it, he adds, "Bones, she may be a smart lass, but she isn't cluey."

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