Heart of a Giant >> Luke Skywalker X Reader

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Title: Heart of a Giant

Paring: Luke Skywalker X Reader

Warnings: none

Spoilers: none


"I bet you probably can't get ______ _______ to notice you," Han Solo taunts.

Everyone but Chewbacca, Luke and Han are asleep, crawled up in the bunk in the Millennium Falcon. Why Luke hadn't yet taken the opportunity to catch at least two of the forty winks he needed, he wasn't sure, but here he is. Sitting in the cockpit and listening to Han being ... well, Han.

Luke frowns. "What do you mean, notice me? We're in this tra-," he catches himself cussing out the vessel, "ship all together."

Han laughs. It is not his musical laugh he does to impress Leia, and not his bark he does when doing shady business with Lando when he thinks Luke isn't looking. Don't think Luke turns a blind eye on the smuggler when he's dealing with ... that sort of people. No, this laugh is almost mocking.

"Man, you're innocent," Han smirks, smacking him on the shoulder. "I mean, like ... you know. ______ and Luke, swimming in a sea -,"

He rolls his eyes at the schoolyard rhyme that every galaxy had a variation of. It was immature of the immature pilot, but what could Luke do? He cannot change Han to grow up a little. "Why would I want her to notice me? I'm pretty sure we're good friends," Luke insists, and quietly, he adds, "and that's all I can see us being."

Chewbacca whines. The hairy Wookie gives him a sad side eye, and moans quietly.

"Yeah, I know, buddy." Han agrees. "Luke, it's official. We men are getting you and _______ together."

He goes to protest, but takes a deep breath. "Whatever you want, Han. But I don't think this will go down well with ______. She doesn't much like being bossed around, least of all tricked. You remember how she was on Hoth when Leia and you duped her into evacuating from the base early."

Chewbacca groans.

"Right you are, Chewie," Han sighs. "Luke, I wish you'd hurry up and learn Wookie, because he gives the best advice." The pilot took his headset off - it had been smooth flying for the night so far, what bad news could come soon? - and turned to Luke. "Chewbacca here just said, 'A kitten who protests the owner to snuggle with the cute Jedi is a kitten in love'."

"He did not," Luke scoffs.

"You're right. But I'm right too. ______'s bonkers for you. Just ask - Chewie, we're being followed! How long has these Empire bastards been following us? Luke, wake up the girls, we need them on guns - how the hell is Naboo the closest planet?"

Luke runs off to the bunks. The ship is unsteady under his feet as Han dodges the fire from the two ships that have been in hot pursuit, and for a moment, Luke sympathises with Artoo and Threepio for all the times they've ended up inactive for falling wrong.

"We're up, we're up!" Leia grumbles, barging from the bunk past Luke. "Don't tell me twice to man a gun, I can do that in my sleep." Her hair is out of its customary braids, and smacks Luke as she runs off. "Come on, _______! Time for diplomacy!" She calls from down the hall.

Luke peeks his head into the bunks.

_______ is pulling her jacket over her head, and now in an odd position. This is not the first time his friend has been stuck - his mind flashes back to plenty of other times on the ship where her head needed pulling out from her clothing.

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