Keeper of the Blankets >> Gally X Reader

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Title: Keeper of the Blankets

Paring: Gally X Reader

Warnings: none!

Spoilers: None!

Author's Note: I know this wasn't a request but I had to write Gally. He's my favourite Glader, and I really get him (it's not weird to relate to antagonists, is it?). Anyways, enjoy this fluff. 


It seemed odd that you had never been considered for any of the traditional Glader jobs. You were too queasy to work with the Slicers and the Medjacks, let alone the Sloppers, too slow for a Runner, not strong enough for a Builder, and your first day as a Trackhoe was fruitful...until you broke four fingers somehow. Alby never considered you to become anything you couldn't be, and be it that you were the second girl (Teresa made a wonderful Medjack) but for some reason, Alby didn't persist. But no matter what he insisted, it was Newt's idea for you to become the Stitcher.

It started at first with the mending of clothes. Holes in pockets of Medjacks, socks to be darned for Runners. After you managed to get through all of those, an idea struck you, and talking with Alby, you placed a request for the next delivery of goods.

The next week, arriving with the supplies, came a crate so large and heavy it needed several Builders to lift -- filled with materials for you to sew blankets for the Gladers.

You weren't sure why, but ever since the sun set in the later days, it had gotten quite cold at night. Much colder than you were used to, than anyone was. Thus, you began sewing patches for blankets to keep your brothers and sister of the Glade in good health.

In order for nobody to mix up, or fight over whose blanket was whose for the thirty-odd Gladers, you made them come to you to pick out the colours for their blankets. Zart liked yellow and blue. Alby preffered purple and green. Newt liked grey and red. Chuck wanted as many colours as he could. By the time you were up to the end of the list, you'd gotten through most of the Keepers, and almost all the Gladers. Your needle was bent from the overexertion, thread waning and fabric colours left to the dregs. At last, you managed to reach the end of all of the people --

"Gally!" you place a hand on his shoulder as you pass by. It's breakfast, and usually, you sit by Chuck to hear about his dreams, but today, you're interested in completing the last blanket. "You're the last one I need to sew a blanket for, I'm so sorry I'm slow." you smile.

The muscled Glader scoots over on the bench, and gestures to where he sat. "It's okay, _______. Sit down. I don't know how...this works."

Placing your porridge besides Gally's, you turn to him. He's slightly taller, even when sitting, and looking into his eyes, you feel something you can't comprehend. But instead of staring, you regain your composure, and smile at his other Builder friends. "It's an easy process, as these lads can tell you, if you ask," you scoop your porridge, but before you eat, you add, "Any questions?"

From the corner of your eye, you see Gally smile. It's small, and not enough to seem out of the ordinary for him, but it warms your heart. "I'm taller than the others, could you make it a little longer?" he requests.

If you hadn't already swallowed, you would have choked. "Wait, that's your only request?" you ask Gally, incredulous. "I had one guy ask me to make my stitches really small so he couldn't see them! Another guy wanted black and yellow so he could play snakes and ladders before bed!" you cry out, and taking a deep breath, you glance to Gally's friends. "Can you believe this guy? He's making my life easier!"

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