28. Reconnection.

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A/N: This is the most descriptive sensual scene yet as it signifies the new connection between Hannah and Max-

It's not the smuttiest thing you will find on this platform but this is a work I have kept the descriptive part of these scenes at a minimum to ensure people of all ages can read. You can get the gist of what is happening without reading between the *'s if you are under 16 years old.

Please respect the platform guidelines as I would hate this book I've worked so hard on over a year to be struck for mature situations. Please, thank you and enjoy 😘
—- Bri

My eyes flutter open when I feel myself being lifted off the swing. I had managed to fall asleep out here and I had no clue how long for. I bring my arms up lazily to hook around Max's neck, enjoying the feeling of being carried bridal style like I was a toddler.

"You're giving me the fairytale treatment now?" I whisper, sleep still peppering my voice. I feel the rattle of a laugh emit from Max's chest as he brushes his lips against my exposed temple.

"You didn't sleep long, I just didn't want you catching a cold." He hums against my ear. He gently sets me in my bed, my throw blanket now wrapped haphazardly around my waist.

"You're not leaving, are you?" I quickly ask, rubbing my eyes not caring if I'm smudging my day's worn makeup in the process.

"Unless you want me to, there isn't anywhere else I belong." He bends across the mattress to kiss my forehead before he turns around to switch off the light. I feel the bed dip as he climbs in and as my eyes adjust to the darkness, I paw across my comforter feeling for him.

"I like you here." I confirm, my hands finally locating him as the darkness fades slightly so we can make out enough of each other's shadows.

The paleness of the full moon dances through the shadows and slowly softens the stark ambiguity. I can make out enough of Max to see him smiling as he fits his body next to mine like a puzzle piece. A yawn fights it's way from my mouth and even though I am tired, I want to savor each second of Max finally being here that I can.

"Come here. I promise I will still be here when you get up. Now close your eyes, sleeping beauty." Max teases, his fingers finding my hair and slowly starting to trace their way through the mass of strands.

I take a deep breath of the scent I've missed so much laying here every night. It sends a spark through me that leaves me everything but tired.

I quickly scramble up to lean on my elbow, finding the sight of his outlined face in the moonlight. I find his eyes already pointed down on me and before he can say what he's opened his mouth for, I push myself up to be eye level with him and land my lips on his. It take him by surprise, but after a few beats he's kissing me back just as eager.


The hand he had placed in my hair quickly falls to the base of the back of my neck, gently holding my face to his. I take his bottom lip in between mine, sucking softly in turn causing a muffled sigh to fall into my mouth. My stomach pinches and a wave of pure desire floods my veins causing me to free a leg from the blanket to throw over his.

Max welcomes me straddling his lap by bringing the hand not tangled in my hair to grip my hip. The feel of his innate want shows in how his fingers dig pleasurably into my skin and it sets every cell of mine on fire. It acts as a catalyst, intensifying just how badly I need him right now.

"There is no way I'm sleeping when we can do this." The words pass my lips in almost a purr. It's the most seductive thing I've ever said and it takes even me by surprise. This yet another new side of myself that he brings out when he's near me.

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