11. Ignition.

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The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts into my nose as I wait in the corner booth of Starbucks. I've been here for twenty minutes, it's not even 3 pm yet but my stomach keeps threatening to turn over with each passing moment. I debated with myself all morning even coming, so much so that I had the text written in my phone to Max, bailing on him. I never sent any of the attempts, and now sat here, tapping my fingers on the white cup methodically. My chai tea was cooling off fast, but I knew if I tried to drink it, it wouldn't last in my nervous belly.

The rest of the weekend went as well as I could have imagined. Taylor didn't kill Curtis or Max, and Max's head injury was nearly non-existent by the time we retired to the tents after the fire dwindled. As Nick's arm draped over me, I fought my mind from thinking of Max. I was half tempted to throw myself at Nick in attempt to forget, but quickly extinguished that flame as it would signify I learned absolutely nothing from hurting Max. Whatever I feel for Max now, is different than the attraction I have for Nick. Nick is perfect, so understanding, patient and caring. My heart complicates everything by getting weak still around Maxwell Cross.

Max ended up leaving Saturday, surprising everyone. He didn't have an explanation outside of "something came up" but I couldn't ignore seeing the looks he exchanged with Liam before climbing in his Jeep. Liam still won't tell me what he's so mum about on the topic, but I can't lie and say my mind became less fuzzy once Max left.

Nothing more than cuddling and making out happened between Nicholas and I. The fact that he hasn't pushed me nor questioned me, especially after laying on him about Max and I... it's refreshing. At the same time, I hope he isn't feeling like I am using him as a crutch to fully get over Max.

I'm not.

I swear.

"I see you still like to arrive early to everything." Max's greeting makes my eyes flash up at him standing at the booth. I feel the room get even more warm than it already is as I take a split second to become aware of him.

Tufts of dark hair peek from the worn, gray beanie he has slung over his probable bedhead, a matching gray thermal hangs perfectly across his broad shoulders. The sleeves are pushed up just enough to see the tendons in his forearms, this morning was a surprise frost but stayed near fifty after the midday warm up. It wasn't quite jacket weather yet, but I always found guys rustically attractive this time of year. Max's dark wash jeans hugged his hips like they were specifically made for him, and I couldn't help but smile at the work boots. I talk down my ovaries from exploding as I remind myself of this situation.

"Still same old me." I shrug as he slides in the booth across from me. I hope he hasn't caught me checking him out as much I was, but I can feel my cheeks burn at the feeling of his eyes on me. "I didn't know what you wanted, sorry for ordering for only me." I clear my throat nervously.

"That's fine, I still hate coffee." He laughs at my puzzled look while I point to the ceiling, as if reminding him of where he had us meet. "I know you love your chai tea. Still get two Splenda?"

I shake my head at the fact he still knows my Starbucks order, trying to fight the smile at the sentiment. Silence rolls over us again, I look around the near empty cafe, still trying to avoid eye contact with Max. I'm still silently pep talking myself into not turning to a pile of mush at the ocean blue eyes I know are still fixed on me. I'm with Nick, who may not know of this meeting with Max, but I still care a lot about.

I'm still supposed to be upset at Max, right?

"Thanks for agreeing to meet me, and actually showing up. To be honest, I thought you were going to stand me up." Max's tone doesn't sound nervous at all, but something hits a nerve in me, causing me to fold my arms across my chest.

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