8. Fair Chances.

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The rest of the evening with Nicholas and my friends went well. In fact, minus the knowing glances from Whitney; extremely well. So well that I accepted Nick's offer of an official date to the end of summer county fair. And, to which he is picking me up for in less than a half hour.

My hair and make up have been done for a while, my hair set in loose curls, my lipstick pink and rosy. I hope that the sweat of digging through every outfit I own wasn't ruining either. My biggest hang up for the past two hours is what on earth to wear.

I had calmly accepted Nick's offer as I walked him to his car after everyone else left for the night. He stood dangerously close to me when I leaned against his car door. The energy I had used to push Max out of my mind made me weak and I craved welcomed male contact. For as gorgeous as Nick was, he shyly asked if I wanted to go to the fair. His cheeks reddened when I had inquired if it was considered a date. He had nervously asked if I wanted it to be to which I eagerly said it was, in fact what I wanted.

He ended the night by telling me he'd always give me what I wanted. When I tried to hide my obvious flattery, he managed to slide past me and into his car, for which I was thankful. I didn't want my need to escape Max fogging my mind to be the reason I kiss someone else, especially for the first time. We spent the next week texting often, his sweetness mixed with lame jokes made forgetting Max easier.

I settled on a pair of jean shorts with a powder gray baby doll type shirt that nearly hid my shorts. It was comfortable for the heat but also made my legs look longer. I hoped it would make up for the slight height difference I noticed between Nick and I. I grab my wallet and phone, checking the time before making my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water for the drive.

"Where are you off to?" Liam asks, peering over his glasses, in his normal spot at the counter barstool. He had an eyebrow raised in confusion, his lulled typing ceased to watch me.

"Nick is going to pick me up for the fair." I shrug matter of factly, twisting the cap off the bottle I grabbed from the fridge.

"Nicholas Lane?" Liam's question rolls, dragging out at the end, as if he's still mid thought. "JJ's grandson?"

"Yeah, I met him when I picked out my Equinox. He was here the other night, remember? We hit it off and he asked me out. What about it?" I place my stuff on the table and hoist myself up on the counter with the best view of the driveway, so I can ditch this conversation if it gets more awkward.

"No, it's nothing." He shake his head, scratching his scalp. "I just didn't know you guys hit it off that well."

"We are just going to the fair, I am an adult too, you know..." I rest my head against the cupboard door behind me with a long sigh. Ever since mom and dad died Liam had stepped in for both of them when it came to me dating. It was horrible during my downfall, Liam hated everyone I brought home. Now that I'm clear minded, I can see he was right to dislike them. They were all fellow druggies and burnouts but I had thought the Big Brother Date Stomper would cease since I got myself better.

Apparently not.

"I know you are, Han. I just want you to be careful. We just got you back." He says quietly. I sigh even deeper and hop off the counter.

"It's one date, Liam. I'll be fine." I clasp my hand around his, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Okay, Okay. I just have something to ask before you go. I've bitten my tongue over it but I can't go any longer." He scrubs the back of his hand over his mouth. He looks just like dad when he does it. The imagery of it makes me smile.

"Fine, but make it quick, Nick will be here soon." I take another swig from the water bottle.

"What did Max say the other night?" Whelp the smile is definitely gone as I spit my water all over as the question leaves his lips. Liam tries not to laugh as I cough my lungs clear, wiping my chin.

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