7. Answers.

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"How much convincing did it take for Liam to actually buy beer for tonight?" One of Liam's oldest friends, Jordan Nixon, elbows my arm as he puts the bottles of Bud on the ice in the sink.

"Surprisingly, not a whole lot. It really doesn't bother me." I shrug as I open the tab on my Coke. Jordan twists off a cap of his selected bottle and rests against the counter.

I wasn't lying, all I had mentioned was that I would be okay if he wanted to allow beer at this get together with our friends. I simply reminded him that I had learned to control myself around my old vices, and I have no problem drinking my coke for the night.

"Glad to be home? I heard winters on the coast drag." Jordan laughs.

"Very, I was tired of the strange looks whenever I scoffed at the five inches of snow they'd forecast overnight and the whole city would shut down before the first snowflake fell. Nobody does winter like New York." I raise my can to tap his. "Sabres season kicked off a couple weeks ago, the true mark of the end of summer."

"Let's hope this year we don't blow and can actually make an attempt at the cup." Being from western New York, being a Buffalo fan in football and hockey is in our blood. Just because it's in our veins, doesn't mean we are content with losing every year on both fronts. The prospects of each year finally being 'our year' keeps the stadium and arena packed. I never understood wannabe fans until Boston. There, people run around claiming to be Patriot and Bruins fans based on popularity. Asking anyone actual questions about either sport proved comical as they usually had no clue. The fact that I'm back amongst diehard fans for both sport seasons thrill me.

"Liam still stock up on season tickets?" Jordan ask after a long swig off his bottle.

"You know it, even gave me my early Christmas gift, near ice seats for the season! We have to set it up for us all to go to a  football game here though soon before the weather gets too crazy, tailgate like old times!" At that, Jordan leaves me in the kitchen to head back outside to sit by the rest of the gang by the kindled fire. I swear these boys would be useless, as it was Taylor again that got it started.

"You know you have to include Zach and I on that game idea!" Whitney squealed from behind me, before wrapping me in a hug.

"Of course!" I say a quick hello to Zach, directing him were to chill his pack of bottles. "Zach can be the new second 'L' in the bunch."

"Do I want to know what that is?" Zach asks concerned, letting the hand not holding his beer fall on Whitney's shoulder, pulling her close.

"We always paint BILLS on our stomachs, no matter if it's below freezing. It's a tradition. Liam the B, Jordan the I, Curtis the first L, Whitney the S and I complete the look with a red and blue heart. I mean I could always do it if you're not down?" Whitney shoots me a puzzled look, but Zach counters with being completely game to join. Whitney suggests he go meet up with the others outside, and I know she's caught on.

"What was that?" Whitney asks, once she knows Zach is out of earshot.

"I would think you'd like to include your boyfriend in our group shenanigans." I shrug as innocently as I can.

"You know damn well that isn't what I mean, Hannah. Max has always been the second L." She pops the tab on her own Coke, suggesting she is the designated driver.

"If you want a drink, I can get you guys home later." I said raising my can, hoping to steer clear of where she is trying to haul this conversation.

"Thanks, I'm okay for now. Don't avoid my question." She gives me the stare that she has used on me for years.

It still works.

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