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(Wreckage POV)
He didn't say anything. He had no identifiable markings except for a wilted rose on the back of his jacket. I wrapped my grappling hook around his hands to bind him. I dragged him along behind me. I carried the beacon with me, only walking in the opposite direction he was running, assuming that was the way out. He did not talk much.

"You're making a big mistake. I've made powerful friends," my prisoner threatened.

"You're in no position to talk like that. I too have powerful friends. Friends much more powerful than you ever will be. Your threats mean nothing to me. Besides, I'm only in this for the cash. I don't know who you are or what you did, so don't make this personal. But all I know is that running through the forest away from a destroyed building looks a little suspicious, so forgive me speculating." I kept walking, not once looking at him.

"You turning me in to the police?"

"I'm turning you in to whoever will pay me the most. That may be the police or it may be a third party." I couldn't help but feel like I'm being roped into something bigger.


I pushed through the bushes, thorns poking at me. I did not react, but my prisoner grunted a few times. I shoved him in front of me and put him on his knees. A large man was talking to someone, saying something about it not being worth it to go into the forest. He must have heard me coming through the bushes, as he turned to me and his eyes widened. He turned to the building and called: "BLAKE!"

I had no idea who he was talking to, but my prisoner tried to get up. I saw it coming and put him right back down.

A girl with cat ears sprinted out of the building. "What is it, dad?" She asked.

"You should see this."

The girl turned to me and her jaw dropped. She ran over to me.

"Who.. who are you? And... how did you manage to capture...him?" The cat girl managed to say.

"It doesn't matter who I am. He was an easy catch. Why? Is he important or something?" I said.

"You're... not from around her, are you?"

"Technically, I am, but I don't live on Remnant. Now, who is he?"

The large man, who I assumed to be her father, stepped in. "That is Adam Taurus. He leads the extremist organization known as the White Fang. While the White Fang started as a protest group for the equality of Faunus, they turned to violence. Recently, Adam took over. He is to be arrested along with his supporters."

"Sooo... how much can I get for him? Is there a bounty on his head or something?"

"Of course not. He is just to be turned in to the police. Now, give him to us."

"Ah ah ah. Y'see, I don't work for free. I'm a mercenary, and if the pay is good, the job is done."

"I have a lot to discuss with you, as I'm sure my daughter does as well. Give Adam to the police."

"Fine. You're lucky I'm willing to make a few exceptions." I gave Adam to the man. "Here's his sword." I handed it off to his daughter. I think her name was Blake. I followed both of them with Adam in tow. They took me to the airship. I looked into the building and there were eight people walking out, presumably going with Blake and her father, and by extent, myself.

I called Scavenger on my helmet radio. "I'm going with these people. I'll fill you in when I can. I'll send you my coordinates when I get wherever they're taking. This may be a trap, so I may need backup. For now, stay hidden. Wreckage out."

"UNDERSTOOD WRECKAGE. I AM HERE WHEN YOU NEED ME." She spoke back. I'm not sure how much I can trust she'll do what I say. She'd usually just track me and destroy wherever I am.

"I NEED you to listen to me. This is super important, and you CANNOT screw this up. Do you understand?!"


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